
Formats for rendering.

Usage no npm install needed!

<script type="module">
  import isomorphicFormat from '';


Isomorphic Format

Formats data for rendering, e.g. transform an array or object into a comma-delimited list.

loop Extends an object with another.
prioritize Moves an object's property to the end. Useful for functional looping.
array Splices arguments array.
money Formats digits into the given currency. Currently, MicroUSD.
setCommas Comma-delimits digits.
symbolize Based on the given type, formats value. Acceptable types: "MicroUSD", "Percentage"
delimit Appends a delimiter to the given phrase.
list Transforms arrays and objects into comma-delimited lists. Useful for rendering.
camelCase Transforms space-delimited words into camel case format.
titleCase Capitalizes the first letter of a word.
capitalize Formats data of various types into a space-delimited phrase with title case.
unformat An object of functions that strip away the formatting typically set on digits.
unformatCol "Unformat" a value by its column name.

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Developers hosting or contributing to this project require the tools that support it:

  • Python: Python v2.7+ is a prerequisite of Node.
  • Node and npm: Node provides an environment on which to execute JavaScript processes, while npm manages packages.


Luz M. Costa