
A simple module that tells you if your Lambda is warm

Usage no npm install needed!

<script type="module">
  import islambdawarm from '';



A simple module that'll tell you if your lambda is warm, by checking for the existence of /tmp/isLambdaWarm, which is the most reliable way to check this kind of thing (as the /tmp/ folder is shared across invocations).

If it's not, it writes the when this module was invoked to /tmp/isLambdaWarm. That should give you an approximate time when the Lambda container was first booted.


const lambdaWarm = require('./index');

lambdaWarm(function (err, warm, date){
    console.log(err); // any errors
    console.log(warm); // boolean
    console.log(date); // Date object with when this module was first ran in a lambda