
A library for accessing the (Inmarsat) IsatData Pro API V1

Usage no npm install needed!

<script type="module">
  import isatdataproApi from '';



A library of functions to interface with Inmarsat's IsatData Pro ("IDP") satellite IoT messaging service.

Library Documentation

Getting Started

You should familiarize yourself with the key concepts of the IDP system, particularly the message structure and Mailbox polling for message collection and submission.

Key Concepts


All data is transacted through the IDP system via a Mailbox concept that provides a unique access credential typically mapped either to your particular application use-case, or to your customer's span of control.
Mailboxes have a unique authentication pair: accessId and password.


Modems on the network use globally unique Mobile ID (mobileId) serial numbers for addressing, where any number of Mobile IDs may be provisioned against a particular Mailbox.


Messages are binary blobs sent over the satellite network that may optionally be mapped to a codec provisioned on a Mailbox. Each message has a globally unique messageId assigned by the system.

Return Messages are sent from the remote device, also called Mobile-Originated.

Forward Messages are sent to the remote device from your application server, also called Mobile-Terminated.

SIN (Service Identification Number) is the first byte of the message payload intended as a codec key, where values from 0..15 are reserved for system / manufacturer use.

MIN (Message Identification Number) is the second byte of the message payload intended as a secondary codec key, presented when a message codec has been provisioned on the Mailbox.

Raw Payload presents a decimal-encoded byte array including SIN and MIN bytes

(JSON) Payload is optionally presented. If the Inmarsat-supported codec format(s) are used, messages will be presented as JSON objects represented by some metadata and a data field structure:

Data Type JSON payload fields with "Type": "data" use base64 encoded string representation

Message Definition File is an XML representation of the codec that may be provisioned (uploaded) to a Mailbox. See for details.

Native API remapping

Version 1.2 of the library remaps the native Inmarsat API JSON tags to camelCase and abstracts certain concepts:

  • codecServiceId replaces SIN
  • codecMessageId replaces MIN
  • dataType replaces Type within Fields
  • stringValue replaces Value within Fields, which are represented as strings on the native API
  • arrayElements replaces Elements for array dataType
  • payloadRaw replaces RawPayload
  • payloadJson replaces Payload
  • ...TimeUtc generally replaces UTC for clarity, and presents ISO string format (no milliseconds)
  • receiveTimeUtc replaces ReceiveUTC for Return messages
  • mailboxTimeUtc replaces MessageUTC for Return messages and CreateUTC for Forward mesages
  • stateTimeUtc replaces StateUTC for (Forward) Submissions and StatusUTC for Forward messages
  • mobileSleepSeconds replaces TerminalWakeupPeriod for Forward messages
  • mobileWakeupPeriod contains the enumerated value of wakeupPeriod as configured/reported OTA

Example Return message with Message Definition File for SIN=255 uploaded to its Mailbox:

"messageId": 123456789,
"receiveTimeUtc": "2020-05-22T07:14:44Z",
"mailboxTimeUtc": "2020-05-22T07:14:44Z",
"codecServiceId": 255,
"mobileId": "00000000MFREE3D",
"payloadRaw" [255, 255, 0],
"payloadJson": {
  "codecServiceId": 255,
  "codecMessageId": 255,
  "name": "myMessageName",
  "fields": [
      "name": "myFieldName",
      "dataType": "unsignedint",
      "stringValue": "0"
"regionName": "AMERRB16",
"size": 3


To use the system you will need a valid set of Mailbox credentials provided by your Inmarsat IDP service provider.


Install from NPM in your project directory:

npm install isatdatapro-api


The library uses configuration file(s) in ./node_modules/isatdatapro-api/config:

  • winston.js sets up logging defaults to the ./logs subdirectory of your project


The ./test directory contains various Mocha/Chai test cases exercising the operations and expected returns, as well as a template to configure Mailbox credentials


Generally you would set up a set of Mailboxes to poll periodically on a timer, for example every 10 seconds for Mobile-Originated messages and every 10+n seconds for Mobile-Terminated statuses if any messages have been submitted.

Typically you would filter duplicates based on unique messageId and put retrieved or submitted messages into a database. Also your system must keep track of nextStartTime or nextStartId as a high water mark for successive message or status retrieval calls.

Timeouts or HTTP errors will be indicated with a Promise rejection that includes an error message 'TIMEOUT_CONNECTION', 'TIMEOUT_READ', or 'HTTP <errorCode>'


  • Geoff Bruce-Payne - Initial work


This project is licensed under the Apache 2.0 License - see the LICENSE file for details