Simple log file appender for Ionic 3.
- Creates rolling log files date-stamped up to a specified max size.
- Optionally logs to console.
- Only writes log files if running on a Cordova platform (not in the browser)
npm install --save ionic-log-file-appender
Ionic Native File:
Logging configuration is specified by passing a ILogProviderConfig
object into the init function of the LogProvider
// If true, logs verbose details of file logging operations to console
enableMetaLogging: boolean;
// If true, all file log messages also appear in the console
logToConsole: boolean;
// Date format used in log statements
logDateFormat: string;
// Date format used in log file names.
// NOTE: be careful with special characters like ':' as this can cause file system issues
fileDateFormat: string;
// Maximum number of log statements before file rollover
fileMaxLines: number;
// If the last log file exceeds this size on initialization, a new log file will be created
fileMaxSize: number;
// If the total size of all log files exceeds this size on initialisation, oldest files will be removed
totalLogSize: number;
// Name of directory to create for logs, within application's data directory
logDir: string;
// Prefix for log files
logPrefix: string;
// Developer-level logging will appear in log files if true
devMode: boolean;
// Name of directory in which to create log directory
baseDir: string;
Any values not specified in the passed-in value will be set to the defaults below:
enableMetaLogging: false,
logToConsole: false,
logDateFormat: 'yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ss.SSS',
fileDateFormat: 'yyyy-MM-dd_HH-mm-ss-SSS',
fileMaxLines: 2000,
fileMaxSize: 1000000,
totalLogSize: 5000000,
logDir: 'logs',
logPrefix: 'log',
devMode: false,
baseDir: <dataDirectory>
where dataDirectory is defined by the Ionic File plugin.
Reference in Application module
import {File} from '@ionic-native/file';
import {Platform} from 'ionic-angular';
import {DatePipe} from '@angular/common';
import {LogProvider, LogFileAppenderModule} from 'ionic-log-file-appender';
declarations: [
imports: [
providers: [
export class AppModule { }
Initialisation in application component
platform.ready().then(() => {
return log.init({
/* Your config here */
Usage in a class via dependency injection
export class SomeClass {
constructor(private log: LogProvider) {
doSomething() {
this.log.log('Something has been done!');
this.log.logDev('Something has been done, but will only be logged in if devMode is true');
const errorObj = {message: 'FooBar error', code: 128};
this.log.err('Something unexpected happened and the error object will be printed', errorObj);
this.log.err('Something unexpected happened and the error object will not be printed');
getTheLogs() {
.then((files: Entry[]) => {
// Do something with the files!
.catch(err => {
// Oops, there was an error!