- create an outline
- fill it in/flesh it out
- generally use markdown-esque syntax
- transfer outline into Keynote or Powerpoint (painful)
Keynote / PowerPoint
- easy to get started
- application
- dual screen, access file system, open file with
- easily convert to PDF format for distribution
- concept of "master slides" for easy layout reuse
- Keynote adds a pleasant aesthetic and feel to slides
Keynote / PowerPoint
- tied to OS
- hard to track changes over time
- Keynote has a binary format
- Powerpoint has an XML format
- horrible to version control
- outline transfer is painful
- particularly from markdown
- have to exit presentation to do demos
- supports markdown
- open source
- embed demos in the presentation
- applying version control is possible because of all text source
- Essentially a web page, so can be accessed online
- learning curve
- dual screen is fiddly
- have to theme it yourself
- themes not as nice as Keynote
- have to build a dist
- No easy handout format (e.g. PDF)
- I want my slides to just contain content
$ npm i -g @deck/app # npm 2+
$ npm i -g deck-app # npm 1/node 0.10
- CLI application for content management
- GUI application for presentation
- built for extended-display
- multi-platform (Linux, Mac, Windows)
- multiversion (Node 0.10, 0.12, & 4)
$ npm i -g @deck/app # npm 2+
$ npm i -g deck-app # npm 1/node 0.10
- multi-device
- networked application
- slide synchronization
- graceful live reload
- tunnelling
- markdown driven (GFM)
Electron vs NW.js
Content Modules
deck init
deck install
deck publish
- A slide deck is simply a module with
as the main file
- Slide decks can be install from npm (or a private repo) and then presented
- You can also simply clone from a git repo and then run
deck present
within that repo
Content Modules
npm dist-tag add my-deck@2.3.2 advanced
npm dist-tag add my-deck@1.1.4 standard
npm dist-tag add collab-deck@1.2.5 dave
npm dist-tag add collab-deck@1.1.4 matteo
- We can use npm tags to install slide deck content variations
- We map these npm tags to git branches
Content Modules
- For version convention we've informally re-purposed semver as "seshver"
- Patch version is for typos etc
- Minor version is content mutations
- Major version denotes estimated duration in "session" units
- context-relative: for a talk a session could be 10min, for training it could be 90min
Deck Upstream
deck upstream
deck upstream
automatically create a pull-request from content changes even if edits are made against an installed module instead of a git repo
- the idea is to make it trivial for anyone delivering our content to feedback
- easy editing with
cmd + e
Slide Control
- Slides are separated by the markdown HR line
- This leads to neat output for normal markdown rendering (e.g on GitHub)
- Each slide can have a comment header where meta data and instructions can go
- sets the master slide format
- supply slide notes
- tweak slide layout with CSS
- During
deck init
you can supply a skin
- A skin is simply CSS providing styles on top of bespoke
- Deck supports/expects the Stylus
format but generally Stylus can be written exactly like CSS if preferred
- Only one public skin
- Attempts to capture Keynote look and feel at a basic level
- Meant for forking and customising
- Live coding is typically fiddly when attempted along side Keynote or Powerpoint
- This is why most speakers either do one or the other
- In training scenarios you really need both
- Deck supports demos by broadcasting the primary screen into the actual presentation
ctrl + cmd + b
ctrl + cmd + p
- loops through all the slides, takes pictures and streams to a PDF file
- generated files aren't small, but it's a start
The Presenter
- When a slide deck is initialized it includes the
is simply an executable that's responsible for starting a server for the GUI (and audience) to connect to
- This means it can be replaced with your own custom Bespoke setup
- Or something entirely different.
Project Status
- Launching today... Now.... It's launched.
- OPEN open project
- Any non-trivial PR will automatically be given collaborator perms
- nearForm is currently using it (literally, right now, as we speak) to deliver training to clients
- Our role now is to mostly focus on bug fixing, cross-platform consistency and documentation
- Happy to incorporate new features in the form of PR's though ;)
Project Future/Ideas
- Docs
- Incorporate generic tunnelling service (ngrok)
- Application Packaging
- Reduce the learning curve further
- Easier slide customisation format
- Implicit master slides based on content
- System guesses the correct class to apply
- Optimize presentation boot up
- Cross-platform font
Project Future/Ideas
- GUI for content management
- GUI for content creation/editing
- Dynamically Switch between editable markdown and HTML output within the GUI display
- Integration (gh-pages, slide-share, ...)
- Dynamic port assignment strategy
- More skins
- Configuration story (preferences etc.)
- It's getting easier and easier to cater to niche areas with JS
- There is a place for Networked Desktop applications within the full stack JS context