
id-management-module is used to generate unique id(key) based on some rule.This rules are provided as a array of rules JSON.

Usage no npm install needed!

<script type="module">
  import idManagementModule from '';



Author: Chandrakant Thakkar

Created on: 14th Oct 2016

id-management-module is used to generate unique id(key) based on some rule.This rules are provided as a array of rules JSON.
  • This unique key may be consist of from static value,dynamic value,contains current date/time or contains user given date/time and format.

  • Rule's array for static value

var keyRule = [{
  type: "static",
  value: "UNIQUEKEY"
var generateUniqueId = require('id-management-module');  
var uniqueKey=generateUniqueId.generateID(keyRule);
  • Here, it will generate key with value 'UNIQUEKEY' and return same.

  • Rule's array for static value and dynamic value

 var keyRule = [{
   type: "static",
   value: "UNIQUEKEY"
 }, {
   type: "dynamic",
   value: "plantCode"
 var data={
var generateUniqueId = require('id-management-module');  
var uniqueKey=generateUniqueId.generateID(keyRule,data);
  • Here, it will take static value 'UNIQUEKEY' from static rule and take dynamic value '3001' from plantCode passed into data.And it will return key 'UNIQUEKEY3001'.

  • Rule's array for static value and dynamic value with current Date/Time

 var keyRule = [{
   type: "static",
   value: "UNIQUEKEY"
 }, {
   type: "dynamic",
   value: "plantCode"
 }, {
   type: "currdatetime",
   format: "%y%m%d"
 var data={
var generateUniqueId = require('id-management-module');  
var uniqueKey=generateUniqueId.generateID(keyRule,data);
  • Here, it will take static value 'UNIQUEKEY' from static rule and take dynamic value '3001' from plantCode passed into data and current date/time in YYYYMMDD format.And it will return key 'UNIQUEKEY300120161014'.

  • Rule's array for static value and dynamic value with user defined Date/Time

 var keyRule = [{
   type: "static",
   value: "UNIQUEKEY"
 }, {
   type: "dynamic",
   value: "plantCode"
 }, {
   type: "userdatetime",
   format: "%y%m%d",
 var data={
var generateUniqueId = require('id-management-module');  
var uniqueKey=generateUniqueId.generateID(keyRule,data);
  • Here, it will take static value 'UNIQUEKEY' from static rule and take dynamic value '3001' from plantCode passed into data and user defined date/time in YYYYMMDD format.And it will return key 'UNIQUEKEY300120161014'.