
Implementation of HubL using Nunjucks

Usage no npm install needed!

<script type="module">
  import hubl from '';


IMPORTANT: this is a WIP


Implementation of HubL using Nunjucks

It's important to note that a fair few of the HUBL tags pull data from the Hubspot CRM/CMS. These methods have been implemented as stubs.

See src/test.js for example.


I want to be able to test my modules and templates using Jest.

How to use

You'll need to decide if you're running this in the context of node or browser. If you're using Storybook it'll likely run in-browser. However, if you're using webpack it'll run on node (this impacts how included templates are discovered/included)

  1. npm install hubl
  2. decide how you want to populate test data using the manager instances.

If you want to render a whole page template, these require a fair bit more bootstrapping.

const pageManager = new PageManager([pages go here]);
const hubdbManager = new HubDBManager({ hubdb tables})
const menuManager = new HubDBManager([ menus ])

// singleton version
configure(pageManager, hubdbManager, menuManager, ctaManager);

const hublTemplateCode = '{{ something | count }}';
renderPageString('/', hublTemplateCode, { ... variables ... })

Modules on the other hand, you can just ignore all the configure stuff as long as you don't use any methods like menu()

renderModuleString('{{ module.variable }}, { variable: 1 });

{{ theme.* }} is set on all.


  1. support hubl in scss
  2. integrate all key filters
  3. integrate all functions
  4. integrate all tags
  5. allow hooks for any methods which use data from hubspot - allowing data to be populated from the API (build a static version of the site), nots sure this is possible yet though.
  6. support space seperated params for filters - currently you need to use commas.