
SAML endpoints

Usage no npm install needed!

<script type="module">
  import hapiSamlSso from 'https://cdn.skypack.dev/hapi-saml-sso';




hapi-saml-sso is a hapi.js plugin, it will use the passport-saml library and provide possibility to implement Single Sign On in your app using SAML protocol


This plugin based on passport-saml.

Please, check original repository and specs for clear understanding.

Getting Started

npm install hapi-saml-sso --save

Add the plugin into your app and set following options:

const Hapi = require('hapi');
const server = new Hapi.Server();

const plugins = [
        register: require('hapi-saml-sso'),
        options: {
            callbackUrl: 'https://your-app.com/callback',
            host: 'your-app.com',
            protocol: 'https',
            path: '/callback',
            signatureAlgorithm: 'sha1',
            entryPoint: 'https://your-saml-identity-provider',
            issuer: 'https://your-saml-service-provider',
            cert: 'yourCertificate',
            decryptionCert: 'test',
            decryptionPvk: true


server.connection({ port: 8000 });

server.register(plugins, (err) => {

    if (err) {
        throw err;
    server.start((err) => {

        if (err) {
            throw err;
        console.log(`Server running at: ${server.info.uri}`);

Plugin provide following SSO API:

GET  /saml/metadata.xml
GET  /saml/login
GET  /saml/logout

Also plugin has already implemented SSO callback

POST /saml/callback

For correct work you have to implement on your side hapi server method that called request.server.methods.login, it will use Profile.nameID for identify specific user. On client side you can check local storage variable SAMLLoggedIn for auth detecting.

Otherwise You can use your callback implementation.

For understanding options check following links:


Spec references


Copyright (c) 2016 archik Licensed under the MIT license.