
Grunt plugin to check CircleCI build status

Usage no npm install needed!

<script type="module">
  import gruntCircleci from '';


grunt-circleci Circle CI

This plugin allows to check the status of a CircleCI build associated to a commit. Useful for apps that need to check for a successful status before running a critical task, like the app deploy.

Getting started

This plugin requires Grunt ~0.4.0

If you haven't used Grunt before, be sure to check out the Getting Started guide, as it explains how to create a Gruntfile as well as install and use Grunt plugins. Once you're familiar with that process, you may install this plugin with this command:

npm install grunt-circleci --save-dev

Once the plugin has been installed, it may be enabled inside your Gruntfile with this line of JavaScript:



In order to configure the plugin, you need to add a new section circleci to the object in grunt.initConfig().

  circleci: {
    token:    'MySuperSecretTokenGeneratedOnCircleCI'
    username: 'VividCortex',
    project:  'grunt-circleci',
    commit:   'TheHashOfTheCommit'

Available options

The following options allow to customize the behaviour of the status check:


Type String Default: master

The name of the branch by which to filter the builds.


Type Boolean Default: false

Whether the check should retry or not if the build is currently running.


Type Number Default: 20000 (20 seconds)

The time in milliseconds the check should wait to retry if retryOnRunning is enabled.


Type Number Default: 600000 (10 minutes)

The time in milliseconds after which the check should fail if the build is still running and retryOnRunning is enabled.

Full example

  circleci: {
    token:    'MySuperSecretTokenGeneratedOnCircleCI'
    username: 'VividCortex',
    project:  'grunt-circleci',
    commit:   'TheHashOfTheCommit',
    options: {
      branch:         'master',
      retryOnRunning: false,
      retryAfter:     2e4,
      timeout:        6e5


The basic usage requires you to execute the following simple command:

grunt circleci

If grunt is configured properly, you can use custom values for the commit hash, for instance:

  circleci: {
    token:    'MySuperSecretTokenGeneratedOnCircleCI'
    username: 'VividCortex',
    project:  'grunt-circleci',
    commit:   grunt.option('commit')

and run the command as:

grunt circleci --commit=TheHashOfTheCommit

Getting the commit hash

grunt-gitinfo is a very useful plugin for grunt that allows to fetch some information about your GIT repository. By using it, you will be able to check the status for the latest commit.

  // ...
  gitinfo: {},

  circleci: {
    // ...
    // Use the commit hash
    commit:   '<%= gitinfo.local.branch.current.SHA %>'

// Get the repo information before checking the status
grunt.registerTask('check-build', ['gitinfo', 'circleci']);

And then, run the following command to check the status:

grunt check-build


Copyright (c) 2014 VividCortex. Licensed under the MIT license.