
A helper package to interact with google fonts API.

Usage no npm install needed!

<script type="module">
  import googleFontsCss2 from '';


Google Fonts CSS2

This package is supposed to be an agnostic and fast helper package to interact with Google Fonts API version 2.

React Component:

URL Builder:

URL Builder for V2 has 2 functions: assembleCommom - working assembleFull - to be developed as needed

  1. assembleCommon: This function works as described below, and will request fonts with styles varying on weight and being italic. It was developed to be fast and not to include all possible scenarios. For the full flexible API there is the assembleFull function.

  2. assembleFull: not developed - This function will take a different structure from assembleCommon to be able to render the full spec of Google Font API axis:

  • Italic - ital
  • Optical Size - opsz
  • Slant - slnt
  • Weight - wght
  • Width - wdth
  • Casual - CASL
  • Cursive - CRSV
  • Expression - XPRN
  • Grade - GRAD
  • Monospace - MONO
  • Softness - SOFT
  • Wonkiness - WONK


const { assembleCommon } =  require("google-fonts-css2"
import { assembleCommon } from "google-fonts-css2"

// assembleCommon(Array:families, String:display)

  let url = assembleCommon([
      family: "Cabin",    // Family Name
      styles: [
        "600..700",       // Range, if family supports it.
        "100..200italic", // Range with italic
        "300italic",      // Weight with italic
        "regular",        // Shortcut to 400
        "italic",         // Shortcut to 400 Italic
        "500",            // Regular with weight
        444               // Regular weight for variable font
      family: "Roboto",   // Family Name - Roboto doesn't support ranges
      styles: [
        "300italic",      // Weight with italic
        "regular",        // Shortcut to 400
        "italic",         // Shortcut to 400 Italic
  ], 'swap')              // Display Style

// The output will be:

Check it here:,wght@0,400;0,444;0,500;0,600..700;1,100..200;1,300;1,400;1,600..700&family=Roboto:ital,wght@0,100;0,400;0,500;1,300;1,400&display=auto

Example | Test


git clone
yarn build:dev
node ./src/example.js