
An NPM module for checking if a local directory is up to date with a remote repository.

Usage no npm install needed!

<script type="module">
  import gitwatch from '';



An NPM module for checking if a local directory is up to date with a remote repository.

Install gitwatch with npm:

npm install gitwatch

Running the example

Once you've installed gitwatch, enter its directory node_modules/gitwatch/ and run:

node check.js

This is checking the tools-data repo and will make any changes in the tools-data directory.

Example usage

Create file called app.js and require gitwatch and check if a repo is behind

gitwatch = require("gitwatch");

   provider: "Github",
 repository: "mwils-bp/sam",
  directory: "sam",
      force: true // use at own will
}).is("behind", function(error, files) {

  // I will do grunt tasks here




Type: String

Choose what your git SCM is going to be:

  • Bitbucket
  • Github


Type: String

The repository you will be watching, this usually looks like this:

repository: "username/repo",


Type: String

The directory which will be placing the watched repository.

directory: "mydirectory",

every (coming soon)

Type: String

The period of time in which to check for new commits.

every: "1 hour",
Option Status
month / months In Development
week / weeks In Development
day / days In Development
hour / hours In Development
minute / minutes In Development
seconds In Development


Type: Boolean

To force the repository to pull new commits no matter what.