
Node.js Giphy API, modified to fix CORS errors in browser apps

Usage no npm install needed!

<script type="module">
  import giphyApiWithoutCredentials from '';



Simple to use Node.js module for the API. All search parameters and endpoints can be found on the Giphy API documentation.

This version is a minor tweak of Austin Kelleher's giphy-api module that simply sets withCredentials to false in the HTTP request.

Are you seeing this error in your browser app?

A wildcard '*' cannot be used in the 'Access-Control-Allow-Origin' header when the credentials flag is true.

If so, this right here is the module you're looking for.

Giphy logo


npm i giphy-api-without-credentials -S


Since the original module receives the API key by invocation which is not supported by ES6 import, you'll have to use require()

// If you have your own API key, use import the module like this
const giphy = require('giphy-api-without-credentials')('API KEY HERE');
// If you're using the public api key you can just invoke without an argument
const giphy = require('giphy-api-without-credentials')();

Phrase search

Search all Giphy GIFs for a word or phrase. Supported parameters:

  • q - search query term or phrase
  • limit - (optional) number of results to return, maximum 100. Default 25.
  • offset - (optional) results offset, defaults to 0.
  • rating - limit results to those rated (y,g, pg, pg-13 or r).
  • fmt - (optional) return results in html or json format (useful for viewing responses as GIFs to debug/test)
// Search with a plain string'pokemon', function(err, res) {
    // Res contains gif data!
// Search with options{
    q: 'pokemon',
    rating: 'g'
}, function(err, res) {
    // Res contains gif data!

Giphy Id search

Search all Giphy gifs for a single Id or an array of Id's

//Search with a single Id'feqkVgjJpYtjy', function(err, res) {

// Search with an array of Id's[
], function(err, res) {


Translate search

Experimental search endpoint for gif dialects. Supported parameters:

  • s - term or phrase to translate into a GIF
  • rating - limit results to those rated (y,g, pg, pg-13 or r).
  • fmt - (optional) return results in html or json format (useful for viewing responses as GIFs to debug/test)
// Translate search with a plain string
giphy.translate('superman', function(err, res) {

// Translate search with options
    s: 'superman',
    rating: 'g',
    fmt: 'html'
}, function(err, res) {



Random gif(s) filtered by tag. Supported parameters:

  • tag - the GIF tag to limit randomness by
  • rating - limit results to those rated (y,g, pg, pg-13 or r).
  • fmt - (optional) return results in html or json format (useful for viewing responses as GIFs to debug/test)
// Random gif by tag
giphy.random('superman', function(err, res) {

// Random gif with options
    tag: 'superman',
    rating: 'g',
    fmt: 'json'
}, function(err, res) {



Trending gifs on The Hot 100 list

  • limit (optional) limits the number of results returned. By default returns 25 results.
  • rating - limit results to those rated (y,g, pg, pg-13 or r).
  • fmt - (optional) return results in html or json format (useful for viewing responses as GIFs to debug/test)
// Trending Hot 100 gifs
giphy.trending(function(err, res) {

// Trending Hot 100 gifs with options
    limit: 2,
    rating: 'g',
    fmt: 'json'
}, function(err, res) {



Animated stickers are gifs with transparent backgrounds. All giphy-api functions support stickers except id, which is not a supported Giphy sticker endpoint. In order to use the sticker API instead of the gif API, simply pass the api property to a giphy-api function.{
    api: 'stickers',
    q: 'funny'
}, function(err, res) {
