
Automatically create Github releases. Designed for use with CI.

Usage no npm install needed!

<script type="module">
  import ghAutorelease from '';


Github Auto-Release CircleCI

Automatically create Github releases. Designed for use with CI.


  1. Add GITHUB_API_TOKEN to environment:

    export GITHUB_API_TOKEN=abcdefg

    Note that this is a personal access token you will need to generate: Github API Token.

  2. Create a gh-autorelease.json file:

        "repo": "*owner*/*repo*"

Configuration Options

The following configurations options are supported:

Name Type Description
repo string Required. The name of the repo to use (including the owner). eg. njbmartin/gh-auto-release.
tag_name string Optional. The name of the tag. Defaults to version provided in package.json.
name string Optional. The name of the release. Defaults to version provided in package.json.
body string Optional. Text describing the contents of the tag. Defaults to description provided in package.json.
draft boolean Optional. Create as a draft/published release.
prerelease boolean Optional. Marks release as prerelease.