
Generic email plugin with useful exports to some email-sending services

Usage no npm install needed!

<script type="module">
  import genericEmail from '';


Generic Email

Email envelope with formatter for MailJet (I hope I'll have an opportunity to introduce more).

Entire package contains three parts:

  • EmailEnvelope which is a 'glue' class of them all
  • EmailAttachment which is used as generic attachment class
  • EmailAddress which is a simple wrapper to email address and name

For more examples have a look into unit tests directory


Simplest example

const email = new EmailEnvelope()
  .addRecipient('', 'Some Recipient von Abc')
  .setSubject('Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet')
  .setSender('', 'Some Sender O\'Name');

  recipients: email.getRecipients(),
  subject: email.getSubject(),
  sender: email.getSender(),

MailJet formatter

There is availabe MailJet formatter, which has to be given as a parameter to email object:


All formatters are available as an enum in EmailEnvelope.FORMATTERS.

To check all features, copy-paste below example:

const email = new EmailEnvelope()
  .setSender('', 'Long Sender Name')
  .setSubject('subject subject')
  .setHtmlContent('<h1>HTML content</h1>')
  .setTxtContent('Plain text content')
  .addRecipient('', 'Recipient1 Long Name')
  .addRecipient('', 'Recipient2 Long Name')
  .addAttachment(Buffer.from('abc', 'utf-8'), 'filename.txt', 'text/plain')
  .addAttachment(Buffer.from('xyz', 'utf-8'), 'inline.txt', 'text/plain', 'cid1');

const mailjet = require ('node-mailjet')
    .connect(process.env.MJ_APIKEY_PUBLIC, process.env.MJ_APIKEY_PRIVATE);

const request = mailjet
    .post("send", {'version': 'v3.1'})
    .request( email.toFormattedObject(EmailEnvelope.FORMATTERS.MAIL_JET) )
    .then((result) => {
    .catch((err) => {

Reason of existence of this project

This entire project was made just to practice TDD in JavaScript. Additional goal was to write as readable code as possible (I know it's not perfect, but it was only a side-quest).