
A generator for Yeoman

Usage no npm install needed!

<script type="module">
  import generatorWebStarter from '';



The Web Starter Kit is a Yeoman generator developed and maintained by Forum One. It allows you to:

  1. Create a container-based project using Docker Compose or a React SPA using Webpack.
  2. Automatically install Drupal, WordPress, and Gesso.
  3. Add deployment utilities like Capistrano.


As of generator-web-starter 2.0, we no longer recommend installing the generator directly. Instead, install forumone-cli, which ensures that the generator is always up to date.

Using generator-web-starter

The command f1 new can be used to generate a new project in a freshly-created directory, and f1 init can be used to create a project in an existing directory.

After installing, navigate to the directory that will contain the new project and run:

f1 init

One-off runs with npx

This command will temporarily install yo - the Yeoman CLI - and generator-web-starter to start a project. It can be used in situations where installation of forumone-cli is not desired:

npx --ignore-existing -p yo -p generator-web-starter yo web-starter

Enhancing this project / Setup instructions

  • Clone repository
  • npm ci - install dependencies
  • Perform changes
  • npm pack - Create a tarball for testing purposes
  • npx -p <path to generator.tgz> -p yo -- yo web-starter - Execute web starter with the modifications you just made
  • Review input / output after making selections that you're testing for and ensure changes are captured


To support easier debugging, verbose logging may be enabled during execution using the logging mechanism built into Yeoman by default. Logging for any specified generator may be done by setting various values into the DEBUG environment variable before execution.

For all logging:

export DEBUG=\*

For more targeted debugging within a given generator or sub-generator other values may be set including:

  • Everything: DEBUG=\*
  • Yeoman generator flow: DEBUG='yeoman:generator'
  • Main app generator: DEBUG='web-starter:app'
  • All Web Starter sub-generators: DEBUG='web-starter:*'