Node-Mocha-Star Generator
Create a node.js module with Yeoman, including Mocha unit tests, with the assertion library of your choice.
Install the generator by running: npm install -g generator-node-mocha-star
At the command-line, cd into an empty directory, run this command and follow the prompts.
yo node-mocha-star
Note that this template will generate files in the current directory, so be sure to change to a new directory first if you don't want to overwrite existing files.
The prompts are:
Module Name:
GitHub username:
Author's Name:
Author's Email:
Author's Homepage:
Which Mocha reporter would you like to use?:
Which assertion library would you like to use?:
This generator is a fork of generator-node-mocha (supporting Mocha unit tests instead of NodeUnit) which is in turn a fork of generator-node by the Yeoman team.
The should.js guide was taken from grunt-initconfig
Author: Brad Denver
Original Authors: Akshay Katyal, Addy Osmani
Release History
- Jan 1, 2014 v1.0.0 generator-node-mocha-star is ready to roll