
Yeoman Generator for Node, Express Application

Usage no npm install needed!

<script type="module">
  import generatorDsiExpress from '';


DSI App Generator

  • Express 4
  • Gulp Task Runner for ** JSHinting to enforce best practices ** Mocha Unit Testing for testing Node Modules
  • ECT Templating Engine
  • Modular Structure

Getting Started

If you do not already have yeoman / bower installed, install with

    npm install -g yo bower generator-dsi-express

Create your application

    mkdir urApp
    cd urApp
    yo dsi-express

Generating Modules

Quickly scaffold a new module

    yo dsi-mike:module [modulename]

Testing / Building Application



  • 2014-5-26 -- Removed Angular code to keep app folder blank and ready for any structure or type of content

Michael Watson 2014