
A react app boilerplate generator

Usage no npm install needed!

<script type="module">
  import generateReactBoilerplate from '';


:sparkles: Generate React Boilerplate :sparkles:

A boilerplate generator for React apps

:information_source: Project requirements (what it needs to run correctly)

node >= v6.0.0 , git

:runner: Getting started

  1. Install this repo globally with npm. Type the following command in the cli
$ npm install -g generate-react-boilerplate
  1. Once you have installed it globally it will be available on the command line by the name generate-boilerplate. Type the following command in the cli
$ generate-boilerplate init
  1. You will be prompted to enter a project type, name, description, version, and author. Project type and name are the only required fields. After you enter the information into the prompts, a directory will be created with the project name and the boilerplate will be cloned into it. All the dependencies will be installed and it will be a new project not connected to its original git repo.

:microscope: Troubleshooting