
Flux JavaScript SDK for browser clients

Usage no npm install needed!

<script type="module">
  import fluxSdkBrowser from 'https://cdn.skypack.dev/flux-sdk-browser';


Flux Browser SDK


Using npm (recommended)

npm install --save flux-sdk-browser

The Flux SDK expects process.env.NODE_ENV to be set at build time. We suggest envify or loose-envify with browserify or DefinePlugin for webpack. Other build processes should also have tools and plugins with which you can set build-time variables.

Using a script tag

This makes the SDK available as window.FluxSdk.

Production version:

<script src="https://unpkg.com/flux-sdk-browser@<version>/dist/flux-sdk-min.js"></script>

Development version:

<script src="https://unpkg.com/flux-sdk-browser@<version>/dist/flux-sdk.js"></script>

The development version is unminified and provides additional debugging information, such as logging.

<version> indicates the SDK version from here, e.g., 0.4.3. To automatically get the most recent non-breaking changes, omit the patch version - e.g., use 0.4 instead of 0.4.3.

Environment Configuration

process.env.NODE_ENV: By default, the SDK runs in debug/development mode. Set NODE_ENV to production to exit development mode.


flux-sdk-node provides a thin wrapper around flux-sdk-common in order to set up a node-specific environment (e.g., it sets up web sockets). Most development happens in flux-sdk-common.


flux-sdk-browser contains some end-to-end tests. The core test suite is located in flux-sdk-node/spec.

This test suite requires the following environment configuration:

TEST_CLIENT_ID: Your (test) client ID TEST_EMAIL: Your test account's email address TEST_PASSWORD: Your test account's password TEST_FLUX_URL (default: https://flux.io): The URL of the Flux version that you are testing against TEST_DEBUG (default: false): Set to true to make Nightmare visible