
A module that takes parasolid data and produces Three.js objects

Usage no npm install needed!

<script type="module">
  import fluxJsonToThree from 'https://cdn.skypack.dev/flux-json-to-three';


To use this repo clone it and install the dependencies.

npm install npm run build

You can run the test with npm. This uses a stubbed version of three.js. npm test

Extended Developer Setup

To setup gerrit for code review run

Update remotes

git remote rename origin bitbucket git remote add gerrit ssh://${USER}@cr.flux.io:29418/flux-json-to-three

Add Commit hook

curl https://cr.flux.io/tools/hooks/commit-msg > git rev-parse --git-dir/hooks/commit-msg chmod +x git rev-parse --git-dir/hooks/commit-msg

If you are working in Flux genie follow the instructions here: https://docs.google.com/document/d/1qf6PGJN54buSGFcrcRCZnruY4yTAsNRzoMtEpyE2VFY/edit#heading=h.owqmh4p4ruch


You can run tests locally on any computer that has a graphics card and OpenGL drivers. For other headless systems like cloud machines or CI you will need to use npm run-headless which relies on xvfb-run. This can be installed on linux using apt-get. For more information see https://github.com/stackgl/headless-gl#how-can-headless-gl-be-used-on-a-headless-linux-machine and apt-get these packages. - mesa-utils - xvfb - libgl1-mesa-dri - libglapi-mesa - libosmesa6