
Flomio SDK integration enables NFC, BLE, and UHF RFID reader hardware.

Usage no npm install needed!

<script type="module">
  import flomioCordovaPlugin from 'https://cdn.skypack.dev/flomio_cordova_plugin';


Flomio Cordova Plugin

Flomio's SDK plugin for Cordova / Meteor

Important: targeting of specific readers via their UID is not supported, but will be in SDK v2.0. In the mean time, please omit any readerUid arguments. This means that all readers will be targeted with any functions you call

Requires Flomio SDK version 1.9


cordova create flomio-plugin-example-app && cd $_
meteor create flomio-plugin-example-app && cd $_
  • Add the plugin to it.
cordova plugin add https://github.com/flomio/flomio_cordova_plugin.git
meteor add cordova:com.flomio.sdk@https://github.com/flomio/flomio_cordova_plugin/tarball/<latest-commit-code>
  • Register plugin within config.xml of your app in Cordova. Meteor takes care of this for you (so skip this step).
<feature name="FlomioPlugin">
    <param name="ios-package" value="FlomioPlugin" />
  • Implement a simple code snippet to test your setup.
function resultCallback(result)
flomioPlugin.startReader(resultCallback);  // note: reader UID is omitted so all connected devices will start polling
  • Prepare the app.
cordova prepare
meteor add-platform ios
  • Open the generated Xcode project located at platforms/ios or with Meteor, .meteor/local/cordova-build/platforms/ios.

  • Drag and drop the Flomio SDK folder into the project (check "Create groups" and "Add to targets").

  • Add -lc++ to "Other Linker Flags" under "Build Settings".

  • Build and run the app on an iOS device.


Required for operation

  • init()

    Initialises the plugin, preparing it for first use in the current session

  • selectReaderType(readerType)

    Activates the specified reader type for the current session. Choice of FloJack-BZR, FloJack-MSR, FloBLE-EMV or FloBLE-Plus

    String readerType: <"flojack-bzr", "flojack-msr", "floble-emv" or "floble-plus">

Optional methods

  • setReaderSettings(readerSettings, [optional]readerUid)

    Configures settings for a target reader for the current session. Every setting in readerSettings is optional

    Object readerSettings
        int scanPeriod,  // scan period in ms
        bool scanSound,  // toggle scan sound on/off
        String operationState: <"read-uid", "read-data-blocks" or "write-data-blocks">,
        int startBlock,  // the data block from which to start reading
        String messageToWrite  // default message to write

    String readerUid: the unique ID number of the target reader

  • getReaderSettings(resultCallback, readerUid)

    Retrieves settings for a target reader

    function resultCallback(result)
    Object result
        int scanPeriod,  // scan period in ms
        bool scanSound,  // toggle scan sound on/off
        String operationState: <"read-uid", "read-data-blocks" or "write-data-blocks">,
        int startBlock,  // the data block from which to start reading
        String messageToWrite  // default message to write

    String readerUid: unique ID number of the target reader

  • onReaderStatusChange(resultCallback)

    Assign a callback function to fire when the status of any reader changes

    function resultCallback(result)
    Object result
        String readerUid,  // unique ID number of the reader
        bool connected,  // whether or not the reader is connected
        int batteryLevel  // battery level of the reader in %
  • onFlobleConnect(resultCallback)

    Assign a callback function for when a new FloBLE device connects to the mobile device

    function resultCallback(result)
    Object result
        String readerUid  // unique ID number of the reader
  • startReader(resultCallback, readerUid)

    Start polling for proximity ID tags with a connected FloJack reader

    function resultCallback(result)
    Object result
        String tagUid,  // unique ID number of the tag
        String readerUid  // unique ID number of the reader

    String readerUid: unique ID number of the target reader

  • stopReader(readerUid)

    Stop polling on the target reader

    String readerUid: unique ID number of the target reader

  • sendApdu(resultCallback, readerUid, apdu)

    Sends an APDU command to the target reader and receives the response APDU

    function resultCallback(result)
    Object result
        String responseApdu  // hexidecimal format

    String readerUid: unique ID number of the target reader

    String apdu: command to be sent to the target reader (hexadecimal format)