
Visualise your flightjs architecture by components and events

Usage no npm install needed!

<script type="module">
  import flightControlTower from 'https://cdn.skypack.dev/flight-control-tower';


flight control tower

Flight control tower is a tool that parses your Flightjs project and plots its component/events architecture.


Install it:

npm install -g flight-control-tower

Run with:

flight-control-tower <app folder> <output html file>

The app folder will be scanned for all flightjs components, parse them and spit out an html file with a graph that represents the components and events for the app's architecture.


npm install -g flight-control-tower
git clone https://github.com/flightjs/example-app
cd example-app
flight-control-tower app/ control-tower.html

Open control-tower.html and you should see something like this:

flightjs/example-app architecture


Licensed under the MIT License