
Service for validating files to upload to S3 and provide URL to do so aswell,

Usage no npm install needed!

<script type="module">
  import fileUploadProxy from '';


file-upload-proxy (FUP)

Service used to to validate files and sign requests for uploading files to S3.

Uploading to S3

  1. Get the signedRequest from the /sign endpoint.
  2. Create a POST form with the help of fields of signedRequest.
  3. Add the fields below to the form aswell.
    • acl: public-read
    • Content-Type The mime type of the file
    • Content-Length The size of the file
    • file: The blobb of the file
  4. Submit the form to the url in the signedRequest

The order in which the fields in the form are set matters, so the fields in point 3 should be before fields in point 4.




  • The first 4100 bytes of the file that is being uploaded as a binary Buffer (Which should set the Content-Type to whatever mime type the file is, so NO multipart/form-data)

  • Headers:

    • Content-Length: Which should be set per auto if uploading a Binary file.
    • Authorization: Bearer token that user is logged in on StoryEngine domain.
  • Query Parameters:

    • fileName the name of the file being uploaded.
    • fileSize size of the file being uploaded


interface ISignedUpload {
    signedRequest: string, /* The URL to which to upload the file. */
    url: string /* The URL of the uploaded file. */



  1. Copy default.json and make a local.json, depending on what you want to do with the application, the configuration differs. Most config options can be changed, and depending on what environment you are running against, these three configs are the ones that need to be adjusted.
    • wpUrl: is used to identify the WP that you're running and it uses the authing from that environment. If you want to run this locally, then set the wpUrl to local WP URL.
    • kesUrl: This can be the same as the default because it can use the stage KES, but change to local KES URL if you want to run locally.
    • eapUrl: This can be the same as the default one because this auth is done with BA (what is BA) and as long as you set the same BA and URL as the stage, it will work fine. If you want to run it locally, input local KEAP URL (You'll need to set the .env variables ASSET_PROXY_ accordingly described below).
  2. Copy .env.example and change name to .env and updated variables accordingly:
    • AWS_ACCESS_KEY_ID & AWS_SECRET_ACCESS_KEY should be set to your personal credentials (can probably be found in CWS .env).
    • BASIC_AUTH_USER & BASIC_AUTH_PASS can be run as default since these are only used when running tests.
    • ASSET_PROXY_PASS & ASSET_PROXY_USER depending on if you're running against stage or local KEAP these should be set to the one you're running against.
    • PORT needs to be set if you have a conflict or wanna use a custom one.
  3. You'll need to update the FUP url in the application you're trying to upload files from (default url http://localhost:1231).


npm run dev