
<table><tr><td> <img alt="excalidraw-animate" src="https://user-images.githubusercontent.com/490574/83698750-332ca080-a63d-11ea-9845-d2442e9b4305.gif" width="50%" /> </td></tr></table>

Usage no npm install needed!

<script type="module">
  import excalidrawAnimate from 'https://cdn.skypack.dev/excalidraw-animate';




What is this

This is an external tool to convert an Excalidraw drawing into animation.

How to use it

Visit: https://dai-shi.github.io/excalidraw-animate

Using a local file

  1. Save as a file in Excalidraw
Save icon image
  1. Load the file in Excalidraw Animate
Load icon image

Using a shareable link

  1. Create a shareable link in Excalidraw
Shareable link image
  1. Enter the link in the field and click "Animate!"
Text field image

This also works for Excalidraw Library links.

Known issues

  • Exporting WebM feature is not perfect. Please use screen capture if that doesn't work as expected.


It's also provided as a package: https://www.npmjs.com/package/excalidraw-animate


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