Esper Genesis 5th Edition character sheets created in ReactJS.
ReactJS components that render Esper Genesis character sheets, namely a character stats sheet, character traits sheet and esper talents sheet.
Visit to see these components in use.
The attributes in the example can be populated on the web page and outputs to print nicely, so you can populate some attributes on the page and print the sheet. Characters can also be exported to a json file and imported from a json file.
npm install --save espergen-character-sheets
import React, { Component } from 'react'
import EsperGenCharacterStatsSheet from 'espergen-character-sheets'
import 'espergen-character-sheets/dist/index.css'
class Example extends Component {
render() {
return <EsperGenCharacterStatsSheet />
renders a stats sheet.
renders a character traits sheet.
renders a esper talents sheet.
Each component accepts the same props.
Each component can be controlled or uncontrolled. Either character and onCharacterChanged should be specified (controlled), or defaultCharacter should be specified.
Property | Type | Description |
defaultCharacter | EsperGenCharacter | An instance of the EsperGenCharacter class. If character is not set the sheet will initialize with the values specified here. |
character | EsperGenCharacter | An instance of the EsperGenCharacter class. If set the sheet will always use the values specified here. |
updateCharacter | func (character: EsperGenCharacter) | Called whenever a value in a sheet is changed. A modified EsperGenCharacter object is returned. |
EsperGenCharacter Class
The EsperGenCharacter class holds the attributes of a character. The attributes are shown below.
name?: string
level?: string
class?: string
playerName?: string
race?: string
background?: string
xp?: string
nextXp?: string
campaign?: string
corpsSerialNumber?: string
gender?: string
size?: string
age?: string
height?: string
weight?: string
eyes?: string
skin?: string
hair?: string
alignment?: string
str?: string
dex?: string
con?: string
int?: string
wis?: string
cha?: string
inspiration?: string
proficiencyBonus?: string
strSave?: string
dexSave?: string
conSave?: string
intSave?: string
wisSave?: string
chaSave?: string
skillAcrobatics?: string
skillAcrobaticsChecked?: boolean
skillAstrophysics?: string
skillAstrophysicsChecked?: boolean
skillAthletics?: string
skillAthleticsChecked?: boolean
skillComputers?: string
skillComputersChecked?: boolean
skillDeception?: string
skillDeceptionChecked?: boolean
skillInsight?: string
skillInsightChecked?: boolean
skillIntimidation?: string
skillIntimidationChecked?: boolean
skillInvestigation?: string
skillInvestigationChecked?: boolean
skillLore?: string
skillLoreChecked?: boolean
skillMechanics?: string
skillMechanicsChecked?: boolean
skillMedicine?: string
skillMedicineChecked?: boolean
skillPerception?: string
skillPerceptionChecked?: boolean
skillPerformance?: string
skillPerformanceChecked?: boolean
skillPersuasion?: string
skillPersuasionChecked?: boolean
skillSlightOfHand?: string
skillSlightOfHandChecked?: boolean
skillStealth?: string
skillStealthChecked?: boolean
skillSurvival?: string
skillSurvivalChecked?: boolean
skillXenobiology?: string
skillXenobiologyChecked?: boolean
passivePerception?: string
senses?: string
burstDc?: string
burstSave?: string
abilitySave1Mod?: string
abilitySave1Dc?: string
abilitySave2Mod?: string
abilitySave2Dc?: string
savingThrowAdvs?: string
specialFeatures?: any
init?: string
initDex?: string
initMisc?: string
speed?: string
encumbered?: string
ac?: string
acBonus?: string
acBonusText?: string
acShieldBonus?: string
acShieldBonusText?: string
acDexMod?: string
acMediumArmour?: string
acHeavyArmour?: string
acStealthDisAdv?: string
acPowerModifier?: string
acPowerModifierText?: string
acItemModifier?: string
acItemModifierText?: string
acMiscBonus?: string
acMiscBonusText?: string
maxHp?: string
wounds?: string
tempHp?: string
resistances?: string
hitDice1Lvl?: string
hitDice1Type?: string
hitDice1Con?: string
hitDice1Used?: string
hitDice2Lvl?: string
hitDice2Type?: string
hitDice2Con?: string
hitDice2Used?: string
hitDice3Lvl?: string
hitDice3Type?: string
hitDice3Con?: string
hitDice3Used?: string
deathsaveSuccesses?: number
deathsaveFailures?: number
attacks?: any[]
attacksPerAction?: string
actions?: string
bonusActions?: string
reactions?: string
racialFeatures?: string
classFeatures?: string
backgroundFeature?: string
personalityTraits?: string
ideals?: string
bonds?: string
flaws?: string
feat1?: string
feat2?: string
feat3?: string
feat4?: string
profArmourLight?: boolean
profArmourMedium?: boolean
profArmourHeavy?: boolean
profArmourShield?: boolean
profWeaponSimple?: boolean
profWeaponMartial?: boolean
profWeaponOther?: boolean
profWeaponOtherText?: string
language1?: string
language2?: string
language3?: string
language4?: string
language5?: string
language6?: string
tool1?: string
tool2?: string
tool3?: string
tool4?: string
tool5?: string
tool6?: string
cu?: string
lifestyle?: string
dailyExpenses?: string
gear1?: any
gear2?: any
otherValuables?: any
vehicles?: any
totalWeight?: string
heavyEncumbered?: string
pushLift?: string
forgingAbility?: string
esperAttackModifier?: string
esperPowerDc?: string
maxTp?: string
remainingTp?: string
techniquesPrepared?: string
techniqueSlots?: any
techniqueSlotsUsed?: any
primeTalents?: any[]
lvl1TalentSlotsTotal?: string
lvl1TalentSlotsUsed?: number
lvl1Talents?: any[]
lvl2TalentSlotsTotal?: string
lvl2TalentSlotsUsed?: number
lvl2Talents?: any[]
lvl3TalentSlotsTotal?: string
lvl3TalentSlotsUsed?: number
lvl3Talents?: any[]
lvl4TalentSlotsTotal?: string
lvl4TalentSlotsUsed?: number
lvl4Talents?: any[]
lvl5TalentSlotsTotal?: string
lvl5TalentSlotsUsed?: number
lvl5Talents?: any[]
lvl6TalentSlotsTotal?: string
lvl6TalentSlotsUsed?: number
lvl6Talents?: any[]
lvl7TalentSlotsTotal?: string
lvl7TalentSlotsUsed?: number
lvl7Talents?: any[]
lvl8TalentSlotsTotal?: string
lvl8TalentSlotsUsed?: number
lvl8Talents?: any[]
lvl9TalentSlotsTotal?: string
lvl9TalentSlotsUsed?: number
lvl9Talents?: any[]
MIT © Daryl Buckle 2020