
Traitify's base ESLint config

Usage no npm install needed!

<script type="module">
  import eslintConfigTraitify from '';


Traitify's Javascript Style Guide

Note: This guide just outlines the differences from Airbnb's Guide


  • arrow-parens

    "arrow-parens": ["error", "always"]


  • babel/object-curly-spacing

    "babel/object-curly-spacing": "error"

    Replace non-babel version

  • class-methods-use-this

    "class-methods-use-this": "off"

    Allows methods to be overridden

  • comma-dangle

    "comma-dangle": ["error", "never"]


  • consistent-return

    "consistent-return": "off"

    Makes it hard to return early for conditionals

  • func-names

    "func-names": "off"

    Unnecessary and unused with arrow functions

  • jsx-a11y/label-has-for


    "jsx-a11y/label-has-for": ["error", {
      components: [],
      required: {
        some: ["nesting", "id"],
      allowChildren: false,

    Unnecessary to have nesting for both

  • keyword-spacing

    "keyword-spacing": ["error", {
      before: false,
      after: false,
      overrides: {
        as: {before: true, after: true},
        case: {before: true, after: true},
        catch: {before: true},
        const: {before: true, after: true},
        default: {before: true, after: true},
        else: {before: true, after: true},
        export: {before: true, after: true},
        from: {before: true, after: true},
        import: {before: true, after: true},
        let: {before: true, after: true},
        return: {before: true, after: true},
        this: {before: true, after: true},
        try: {before: true, after: true}

    Whitespace - Preference

  • lines-between-class-members

    "lines-between-class-members": ["error", "never"]

    Whitespace - Preference

  • no-else-return

    "no-else-return": "off"

    Allows more functional styles

  • no-multiple-empty-lines

    "no-multiple-empty-lines": ["error", {max: 1, maxBOF: 0, maxEOF: 0}]

    Little stricter

  • no-underscore-dangle

    "no-underscore-dangle": "off"

    Doesn't allow const key = _key.toLowerCase()

  • no-unused-expressions

    "no-unused-expressions": ["error", {allowShortCircuit: true, allowTernary: true}]

    Short circuits and ternaries are efficient

  • object-curly-newline

    "object-curly-newline": ["error", {multiline: true, consistent: true}]

    Too strict

  • object-curly-spacing

    "object-curly-spacing": "off"

    Incompatible with babel/object-curly-spacing

  • prefer-destructuring

    "prefer-destructuring": ["error", {
      VariableDeclarator: {
        array: false,
        object: true,
      AssignmentExpression: {
        array: false,
        object: false,
    }, {
      enforceForRenamedProperties: false,

    Assignment expression looks funky with parens

  • quote-props

    "quote-props": ["error", "consistent-as-needed", {keywords: false}]


  • quotes

    "quotes": ["error", "double", {allowTemplateLiterals: true}]

    Double quotes are life

  • react/destructuring-assignment

    "react/destructuring-assignment": "off"

    Overactive and solved by prefer-destructuring

  • react/jsx-boolean-value

    "react/jsx-boolean-value": ["error", "always"]

    Prefer explicit

  • react/jsx-filename-extension

    "react/jsx-filename-extension": "off"


  • react/jsx-one-expression-per-line

    "react/jsx-one-expression-per-line": "off"

    Creates unnecessary white space issues

  • react/no-did-update-set-state

    "react/no-did-update-set-state": "off"

    Makes hacks needed for prop change triggers

  • react/prefer-stateless-function

    "react/prefer-stateless-function": "off"

    Prefer React

  • react/react-in-jsx-scope

    "react/react-in-jsx-scope": "off"

    Global React

  • space-before-function-paren

    "space-before-function-paren": ["error", "never"]

    Whitespace - Preference


These rules are turned off temporarily

  • react/no-unused-state

    "react/no-unused-state": "off"

    Remove when rule is fixed for setState function

  • react/sort-comp

    "react/sort-comp": "off"

    Remove when airbnb includes componentDidCatch