
Better than anarchy!

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<script type="module">
  import eslintConfigFivestars from '';


FiveStars JavaScript Style Guide() {

Better than anarchy!

Table of Contents

  1. Objects
  2. Arrays
  3. Strings
  4. Functions
  5. Iterators
  6. Properties
  7. Variables
  8. Hoisting
  9. Comparison Operators & Equality
  10. Blocks
  11. Control Statements
  13. Whitespace
  14. Commas
  15. Semicolons
  16. Type Casting & Coercion
  17. Naming Conventions
  18. Accessors
  19. Events
  20. Exception Handling
  21. lodash
  22. Sundries
  23. AngularJS
  24. License


  • 1.1 Use the literal syntax for object creation. no-new-object

    // bad
    var item = new Object();
    // good
    var item = {};

  • 1.2 Only quote properties that are invalid identifiers. quote-props

    Why? In general we consider it subjectively easier to read. It improves syntax highlighting, and is also more easily optimized by many JS engines.

    // bad
    var bad = {
        'foo': 3,
        'bar': 4,
        'data-blah': 5,
    // good
    var good = {
        foo: 3,
        bar: 4,
        'data-blah': 5,

  • 1.3 Do not call Object.prototype methods directly, such as hasOwnProperty, propertyIsEnumerable, and isPrototypeOf.

    Why? These methods may be shadowed by properties on the object in question - consider { hasOwnProperty: false } - or, the object may be a null object (Object.create(null)).

    // bad
    // good
    console.log(, key));

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  • 2.1 Use the literal syntax for array creation. no-array-constructor

    // bad
    var items = new Array();
    // good
    var items = [];

  • 2.2 Use Array#push instead of direct assignment to add items to an array.

    var someStack = [];
    // bad
    someStack[someStack.length] = 'abracadabra';
    // good

  • 2.3 Use line breaks after open and before close array brackets if an array has multiple lines

    // bad
    var arr = [
        [0, 1], [2, 3], [4, 5],
    var objectInArray = [{
            id: 1,
        }, {
            id: 2,
    var numberInArray = [
        1, 2,
    // good
    var arr = [[0, 1], [2, 3], [4, 5]];
    var objectInArray = [
            id: 1
            id: 2
    var objectInArray = [
        { id: 1 },
        { id: 2 }
    var numberInArray = [

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  • 3.1 Use single quotes ' for strings. (quotes)

    // bad
    var name = "Buckaroo Banzai";
    var note = "Doesn't play accordion. Likes \"The Sound of Music\".";
    // good
    var name = 'Buckaroo Banzai';
    var note = 'Doesn\'t play accordion. Likes "The Sound of Music".';

  • 3.2 Strings that cause the line to go over 100 characters should not be written across multiple lines using string concatenation. max-len has an option to allow ignoring strings that exceed the line limit

    Why? Broken strings are painful to work with and make code less searchable.

    // bad
    var errorMessage = 'This is a super long error that was thrown because \
    of Batman. When you stop to think about how Batman had anything to do \
    with this, you would get nowhere \
    // bad
    var errorMessage = 'This is a super long error that was thrown because ' +
    'of Batman. When you stop to think about how Batman had anything to do ' +
    'with this, you would get nowhere fast.';
    // good
    var errorMessage = 'This is a super long error that was thrown because of Batman. When you stop to think about how Batman had anything to do with this, you would get nowhere fast.';

  • 3.3 Never use eval() on a string, it opens too many vulnerabilities. (no-eval)

  • 3.4 Do not unnecessarily escape characters in strings. no-useless-escape

    Why? Backslashes harm readability, thus they should only be present when necessary.

    // bad
    var foo = '\'this\' \i\s \"quoted\"';
    // good
    var foo = '\'this\' is "quoted"';

  • 3.5 Do not use new String, use literals instead. no-new-wrappers

    // bad
    var myString = new String;
    var hisString = new String();
    var herString = new String('');
    // good
    var everyonesString = '';

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  • 4.1 Use named function expressions instead of function declarations. func-style

    Why? Function declarations are hoisted, which means that it’s easy - too easy - to reference the function before it is defined in the file. This harms readability and maintainability. If you find that a function’s definition is large or complex enough that it is interfering with understanding the rest of the file, then perhaps it’s time to extract it to its own module! Don’t forget to name the expression - anonymous functions can make it harder to locate the problem in an Error’s call stack.

    // bad
    function foo() {
        // ...
    // bad
    var foo = function () {
        // ...
    // bad
    var foo = function bar() {
        // ...
    // good
    var foo = function foo() {
        // ...

  • 4.2 Wrap immediately invoked function expressions in parentheses. wrap-iife

    Why? An immediately invoked function expression is a single unit - wrapping both it, and its invocation parens, in parens, cleanly expresses this.

    // immediately-invoked function expression (IIFE)
    (function () {
        console.log('Welcome to the Internet. Please follow me.');

  • 4.3 Never declare a function in a non-function block (if, while, etc). Assign the function to a variable instead. Browsers will allow you to do it, but they all interpret it differently. no-loop-func

Note: ECMA-262 defines a block as a list of statements. A function declaration is not a statement. Read ECMA-262’s note on this issue.

  • 4.4 Never name a parameter arguments. This will take precedence over the arguments object that is given to every function scope.

    // bad
    function foo(name, options, arguments) {
        // ...
    // good
    function foo(name, options, args) {
        // ...

  • 4.5 Never use the Function constructor to create a new function. no-new-func

    Why? Creating a function in this way evaluates a string similarly to eval(), which opens vulnerabilities.

    // bad
    var add = new Function('a', 'b', 'return a + b');
    // still bad
    var subtract = Function('a', 'b', 'return a - b');

  • 4.6 Provide spaces between 1) the function keyword and the parens for anonymous functions and 2) the close-paren and opening brace. space-before-function-paren space-before-blocks

    Why? You shouldn’t have to add or remove a space when adding or removing a name.

    // bad
    var f =
            // ...
    var g =
        function (){
            // ...
            // ...
    // good
    var f =
        function f() {
            // ...
    var g =
        function g() {
            // ...
        function () {
            // ...

  • 4.7 Mutate parameters only at the top of the function, in a parameter-processing/early-return block. (Unless the funtion exists solely to mutate the input parameters)

    From experience in other languages, notably pure functional ones, many coders have a reasonable expectation that input parameters will remain unchanged throughout the code body. We use the common idiom of checking and processing parameters (e.g. setting defaults) as an inital block for the function. Avoid mutation after such processing because it violates expectations.

    // bad
    function f(p) {
        // lots of code
        p = 7;
        // lots more code
    // good
    function f(p) {
        p = p || 'default';
        // meat of function

  • 4.8 Never reassign parameters. no-param-reassign

    Why? It's confusing. Reviewers expect possible mutation of parameters, but not complete reassignment. Reassigning parameters can also lead to unexpected behavior, especially when accessing the arguments object. And can cause optimization issues, especially in V8.

    // bad
    function f1(a) {
        a = 1;
        // ...
    function f2(a) {
        if (!a) { a = 1; }
        // ...
    // good
    function f3(a) {
        var b = a || 1;
        // ...

  • 4.9 Functions with multiline signatures, or invocations, should be indented just like every other multiline list in this guide: with each item on a line by itself.

    // bad
    function foo(bar,
                 quux) {
        // ...
    // good
    function foo(bar, baz, quux) {};
    function foo(
    ) {
        // ...
    // bad
    // good
    console.log(foo, bar, baz, quux);

  • 4.10 Avoid boolean parameters.

    Why? While boolean parameters convey their meaning clearly within the function definition, they do not at the sites of the calls. Use hashes with named parameters to convey their purpose in the context from which they are called.

    // bad
    var fall = function fall(object, up) {
        if (up) {
            g = -g;
        // handle falling
    fall(object, true);
    // good
    var fall = function fall(object, options) {
        var g = UNIVERSAL_CONSTANTS.accelerationDueToEarthsGravity;
        if (options.direction === 'up') {
            g = -g;
        // handle falling
    fall(object, { direction: 'up' });
    // bad (real code)
        true /* bubble */, true /* cancelable */,
        window, null,
        0, 0, 0, 0, /* coordinates */
        false, false, false, false, /* modifier keys */
        0 /*left*/, null
    // so much better
        eventType: eventType,
        bubble: true,
        cancelable: true
    // worse, but ok
        eventType: eventType,
        bubble: true,
        cancelable: true,
        coordinates: [0, 0, 0, 0],
        modifierKeys: {
            shift: false,
            control: false,
            alt: false,
            command: false
        leftButton: false,
        whoKnows: null

  • 4.11 Add spaces between function parameters of the outermost function.

    // bad
    // good
    foo(a, b, c);
    bar(baz(a,1), baz(b,2), baz(c,3));

  • 4.12 Isolate all function definitions to their own lines.

    // bad
    var largeNumbers = numbers.filter(function (val) { return val >= 100; });
    // good
    var largeNumbers = numbers.filter(
        function (val) {
            return val >= 100;
    // bad
    return Customer
        .then(function (customer) {
            customer.processed = true;
            return customer;
    // good
    return Customer
            function (customer) {
                customer.processed = true;
                return customer;
    // bad
    var interface = {
        foo: function () { return 'foo'; },
        bar: function () { return 'bar'; }
    // good
    var interface = {
            function () {
                return 'foo';
            function () {
                return 'bar';

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  • 5.1 Don’t use for iterators. Prefer JavaScript’s higher-order functions instead of loops like for-in or for-of. (If you have to do an early return, there may be no good way around it though.) no-iterator no-restricted-syntax

    Why? This enforces our immutable rule. Dealing with pure functions that return values is easier to reason about than side effects.

    Use map() / every() / filter() / find() / findIndex() / reduce() / some() / ... to iterate over arrays, and Object.keys() / Object.values() / Object.entries() to produce arrays so you can iterate over objects. Use lodash liberally and without hesitation (underscore is also good, but we recommend lodash for consistency).

    var numbers = [1, 2, 3, 4, 5];
    // bad
    var sum = 0;
    for (var num of numbers) {
        sum += num;
    sum === 15;
    // good
    var sum = 0;
        function (num) {
            sum += num;
    sum === 15;
    // better (use the functional force)
    var sum = numbers.reduce(
        function(total, num) {
            return total + num;
    sum === 15;
    // best (lodash)
    var sum = _.reduce(
        function(total, num) {
            return total + num;
    // bad
    var increasedByOne = [];
    for(var i = 0; i < numbers.length; i++) {
        increasedByOne.push(numbers[i] + 1);
    // good
    var increasedByOne = [];
        function (num) {
            increasedByOne.push(num + 1);
    // better (keeping it functional)
    var increasedByOne =
        function (num) {
            return num + 1;
    // best (lodash)
    var increasedByOne =
        function (num) {
            return num + 1;
    // bad
    function containsThree(insanelyLongArray) {
        var hasAThree = false;
            function (value) {
                if (value === 3) {
                    hasAThree = true;
        return hasAThree;
    // good
    function containsThree(insanelyLongArray) {
      for (var i = 0; i < insanelyLongArray.length; i++) {
        if (insanelyLongArray[i] === 3) {
          return true;
      return false;
    // better (lodash)
    function containsThree(insanelyLongArray) {
        return _.includes(
    // best (lodash - allow for complex conditionals)
    function containsThree(insanelyLongArray) {
        return _.some(
            function (item) {
                return item.value === 3;

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  • 6.1 Use dot notation when accessing properties. dot-notation

    var luke = {
        jedi: true,
        age: 28,
    // bad
    var isJedi = luke['jedi'];
    // good
    var isJedi = luke.jedi;

  • 6.2 Use bracket notation [] when accessing properties with a variable.

    var luke = {
        jedi: true,
        age: 28,
    function getProp(prop) {
        return luke[prop];
    var isJedi = getProp('jedi');

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  • 7.1 Always use var to declare variables. Not doing so will result in global variables. We want to avoid polluting the global namespace. no-undef prefer-const

    // bad
    superPower = new SuperPower();
    // good
    var superPower = new SuperPower();

  • 7.2 Always initialize variables. If their value is unknown at the point of declaration, use null. Never use undefined. init-declarations, no-undefined, no-undef-init

    // bad
    var i;
    var foo;
    i = 8;
    var whoKnows = undefined;
    if (foo === undefined) {}
    // good
    var i = 8;
    var foo = null;
    var whoKnows = null;
    if (typeof foo === 'undefined') {}

  • 7.3 Use one var declaration per variable. one-var

    Why? It’s easier to add new variable declarations this way, and you never have to worry about swapping out a ; for a , or introducing punctuation-only diffs. You can also step through each declaration with the debugger, instead of jumping through all of them at once.

    // bad
    var items = getItems(),
        goSportsTeam = true,
        dragonball = 'z';
    // bad
    // (compare to above, and try to spot the mistake)
    var items = getItems(),
        goSportsTeam = true;
        dragonball = 'z';
    // good
    var items = getItems();
    var goSportsTeam = true;
    var dragonball = 'z';

  • 7.4 Capitalize your constants with SCREAMING_SNAKE_CASE.

    // bad
    var maxNameLength = 16;
    var userCount = getUsers().length;
    // good
    var MAX_NAME_LENGTH = 16;
    var USER_COUNT = getUsers().length;

  • 7.5 Group all your constants and then group all your vars. Prefer inserting a line between the two blocks. Also prefer inserting a line after these blocks to separate them from your function's actual code.

    Why? This is helpful when later on you might need to assign a variable depending on one of the previous assigned variables.

    // very bad
    var i, len, dragonball,
        items = getItems(),
        goSportsTeam = true;
    // bad
    var i = null;
    var ITEMS = getItems();
    var dragonball = null;
    var GO_SPORTS_TEAM = true;
    var len = null;
    // good
    var GO_SPORTS_TEAM = true;
    var ITEMS = getItems();
    var dragonball = null;
    var i = null;
    var length = null;

  • 7.6 Don’t chain variable assignments. no-multi-assign

    Why? Chaining variable assignments creates implicit global variables.

    // bad
    function example() {
        // JavaScript interprets this as
        // var a = ( b = ( c = 1 ) );
        // The var keyword only applies to variable a; variables b and c become
        // global variables.
        var a = b = c = 1;
        // function body...
    console.log(a); // throws ReferenceError
    console.log(b); // 1
    console.log(c); // 1
    // good
    function example() {
        var a = 1;
        var b = a;
        var c = a;
        // function body...
    console.log(a); // throws ReferenceError
    console.log(b); // throws ReferenceError
    console.log(c); // throws ReferenceError

  • 7.7 Avoid using unary increments and decrements (++, --). no-plusplus

    Why? Per the eslint documentation, unary increment and decrement statements are subject to automatic semicolon insertion and can cause silent errors with incrementing or decrementing values within an application. It is also more expressive to mutate your values with statements like num += 1 instead of num++ or num ++. Disallowing unary increment and decrement statements also prevents you from pre-incrementing/pre-decrementing values unintentionally which can also cause unexpected behavior in your programs.

    // bad
    var array = [1, 2, 3];
    var num = 1;
    var sum = 0;
    var truthyCount = 0;
    for (var i = 0; i < array.length; i++) {
        var value = array[i];
        sum += value;
        if (value) {
    // good
    var array = [1, 2, 3];
    var num = 1;
    num += 1;
    num -= 1;
    var sum = array.reduce(
        function (a, b) {
            return a + b;
    var truthyCount = array.filter(Boolean).length;
    // better (lodash)
    var array = [1, 2, 3];
    var sum = _.reduce(
        function (a, b) {
            return a + b;
    var truthyCount = _.filter(array, Boolean).length;
    // best (lodash - in the contrived sum case)
    var sum = _.sum(array);

  • 7.8 Avoid abbreviations. Code is read a lot more times than it's written. Prefer full words to help convey their meaning, but keep the utility of extremely common abbreviations.

    // bad  
    var adjRnAvg = 12.8;
    try {} catch(ex);
    // good
    var adjustedRainfallAverage = 12.8;
    try {} catch(exception);
    // bad
    var loopIndexCounter = 0;
    var cancelButtonHyperTextMarkupLanguage = '...';
    // good
    var i = 0;
    var cancelButtonHtml = '...';

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  • 8.1 var declarations get hoisted to the top of their scope, but their assignment does not. Declare all variables before their first use. no-use-before-define

    // we know this wouldn’t work (assuming there
    // is no notDefined global variable)
    function example() {
        console.log(notDefined); // throws a ReferenceError
    // creating a variable declaration after you
    // reference the variable will work due to
    // variable hoisting. Note: the assignment
    // value of `true` is not hoisted.
    function example() {
        console.log(declaredButNotAssigned); // undefined
        var declaredButNotAssigned = true;
    // the interpreter is hoisting the variable
    // declaration to the top of the scope,
    // which means our example could be rewritten as:
    function example() {
        var declaredButNotAssigned;
        console.log(declaredButNotAssigned); // undefined
        declaredButNotAssigned = true;

    Declare all variables before their first use:

    // bad
    function foo(wombats, marmosets) {
        console.log('Total: ' + wombatCount + marmosetCount);
        var wombatCount = wombats.length;
        console.log('Wombats: ' + wombatCount);
        var marmosetCount = marmosets.length;
        console.log('Marmosets count: ' + marmosetCount);
    // good
    function foo(wombats, marmosets) {
        var wombatCount = wombats.length;          
        var marmosetCount = marmosets.length;
        console.log('Total: ' + wombatCount + marmosetCount);
        console.log('Wombats: ' + wombatCount);
        console.log('Marmosets count: ' + marmosetCount);
    // also good
    function foo(wombats, marmosets) {
        var wombatCount = wombats.length;
        console.log('Wombats: ' + wombatCount);
        var marmosetCount = marmosets.length;
        console.log('Marmosets count: ' + marmosetCount);
        console.log('Total: ' + wombatCount + marmosetCount);    

  • 8.2 Anonymous function expressions hoist their variable name, but not the function assignment.

    function example() {
        console.log(anonymous); // undefined
        anonymous(); // TypeError anonymous is not a function
        var anonymous = function () {
            console.log('anonymous function expression');

  • 8.3 Named function expressions hoist the variable name, not the function name or the function body.

    function example() {
        console.log(named); // undefined
        named(); // TypeError named is not a function
        superPower(); // ReferenceError superPower is not defined
        var named = function superPower() {
    // the same is true when the function name
    // is the same as the variable name.
    function example() {
        console.log(named); // undefined
        named(); // TypeError named is not a function
        var named = function named() {

  • 8.4 Function declarations hoist their name and the function body.

    function example() {
        superPower(); // Flying
        function superPower() {
  • For more information refer to JavaScript Scoping & Hoisting by Ben Cherry.

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Comparison Operators & Equality

  • 9.2 Conditional statements such as the if statement evaluate their expression using coercion with the ToBoolean abstract method and always follow these simple rules:

    • Objects evaluate to true
    • Undefined evaluates to false
    • Null evaluates to false
    • Booleans evaluate to the value of the boolean
    • Numbers evaluate to false if +0, -0, or NaN, otherwise true
    • Strings evaluate to false if an empty string '', otherwise true
    if ([0] && []) {
        // true
        // an array (even an empty one) is an object, objects will evaluate to true

  • 9.3 Use shortcuts for booleans, but explicit comparisons for strings and numbers.

    // bad
    if (isValid === true) {
        // ...
    // good
    if (isValid) {
        // ...
    // bad
    if (name) {
        // ...
    // good
    if (name !== '') {
        // ...
    // bad
    if (collection.length) {
        // ...
    // good
    if (collection.length > 0) {
        // ...

  • 9.5 Ternaries should not be nested and generally be single line expressions. no-nested-ternary

    // bad
    var foo = maybe1 > maybe2
        ? 'bar'
        : value1 > value2 ? 'baz' : null;
    // split into 2 separated ternary expressions
    var maybeNull = value1 > value2 ? 'baz' : null;
    // better
    var foo = maybe1 > maybe2
        ? 'bar'
        : maybeNull;
    // best
    var foo = maybe1 > maybe2 ? 'bar' : maybeNull;

  • 9.6 Avoid unneeded ternary statements. no-unneeded-ternary

    // bad
    var foo = a ? a : b;
    var bar = c ? true : false;
    var baz = c ? false : true;
    // good
    var foo = a || b;
    var bar = !!c;
    var baz = !c;

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  • 10.1 Do not put multiple statements on the same line, debugging is easier with one statement per line. max-statements-per-line

    // bad
    if (test) { return false; }
    // good
    if (test) {
        return false;
    // bad
    var bar = function bar() { return false; }
    // good
    var bar = function bar() {
        return false;

  • 10.2 Use braces with all blocks. curly

    // bad
    if (test)
        return false;
    // good
    if (test) {
        return false;

  • 10.3 Bracing style: use Stroustrup. brace-style

    Why? This keeps our control blocks horizontally aligned without too much extra vertical spacing, much like Python.

    // bad (K&R, one true brace style)
    if (test) {
    } else {
    // bad (Allman)
    if (test)
    // good (Stroustrop)
    if (test) {
    else {

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Control Statements

  • 11.1 In case your control statement (if, while etc.) gets too long or exceeds the maximum line length, each (grouped) condition should be put into a new line. The logical operator should begin the line.

    // bad
    if (foo === 123 &&
        bar === 'abc') {
    if (foo === 123
        && bar === 'abc') {
    if ((foo === 123 || bar === 'abc' || baz === 'quux') && doesItLookGoodWhenItBecomesThatLong() && isThisReallyHappening()  && (ohno === 'it' || justKeeps === 'going')) {
    // good
    if (foo === 123 && bar === 'abc') {
    if (
        foo === 123
        && bar === 'abc'
    ) {
    if (
            foo === 123
            || bar === 'abc'
            || baz === 'quux'
        && doesItLookGoodWhenItBecomesThatLong()
        && isThisReallyHappening()
        && (ohno === 'it' || justKeeps === 'going')
    ) {

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  • 12.1 Use /** ... */ for multi-line comments. multiline-comment-style

    // bad
    // make() returns a new element
    // based on the passed in tag name
    // @param {String} tag
    // @returns {Element} element
    function make(tag) {
        // ...
        return element;
    /* Adam
       Had 'em */
    // good
     * make() returns a new element
     * based on the tag name
     * @param {String}    tag
     * @returns {Element} element
    function make(tag) {
        // ...
        return element;
     * Adam
     * Had 'em

  • 12.2 Use // for single line comments. Place single line comments on a newline above the subject of the comment. Put an empty line before the comment unless it’s on the first line of a block.

    // bad
    var active = true;  // is current tab
    // good
    // is current tab
    var active = true;
    // bad
    function getType() {
        console.log('fetching type...');
        // set the default type to 'no type'
        var type = this.type || 'no type';
        return type;
    // good
    function getType() {
        console.log('fetching type...');
        // set the default type to 'no type'
        var type = this.type || 'no type';
        return type;
    // also good
    function getType() {
        // set the default type to 'no type'
        var type = this.type || 'no type';
        return type;
  • 12.3 Start all comments with a space to make it easier to read. spaced-comment, spaced-line-comment

    // bad
    //is current tab
    var active = true;
    // good
    // is current tab
    var active = true;
    // bad
     *make() returns a new element
     *based on the passed-in tag name
    function make(tag) {
        // ...
        return element;
    // good
     * make() returns a new element
     * based on the passed-in tag name
    function make(tag) {
        // ...
        return element;

  • 12.4 Prefixing your comments with FIXME or TODO helps other developers quickly understand if you're pointing out a problem that needs to be revisited, or if you're suggesting a solution to the problem that needs to be implemented. These are different than regular comments because they are actionable. The actions are FIXME: -- need to figure this out or TODO: -- need to implement.

  • 12.5 Use // FIXME: to annotate problems.

    var Abacus {
        constructor: function constructor() {
            // FIXME: shouldn’t use a global here
            total = 0;

  • 12.6 Use // TODO: to annotate solutions to problems.

    var Abacus {
        constructor: function constructor() {
            // TODO: total should be configurable by an options param
   = 0;

  • 12.7 Don't make unhelpful or obvious comments.

    // bad
    // increments variable i by one
    // Sets the number of tentacles on the monster to five for now
    // Moved this here after the miso soup incident
    Xrvrrzhhkrrkngng.$(false, 0, null, true, 'FALSE', undefined, { causeSystemFailures: 700.0 } );
    // good
     * This call invalidates the Procyon node cache.
     * The string of params are all harmless defaults except the last,
     * which has to be a floating point, and sets failure generation to
     * the minimum of 700.
    Xrvrrzhhkrrkngng.$(false, 0, null, true, 'FALSE', undefined, { causeSystemFailures: 700.0 } );

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  • 13.1 Use 4 spaces instead of tabs. indent

    // bad
    function foo() {
        var name;
    function foo() {
    ∙∙var name;
    // very bad
    function bar() {
    ∙var name;
    function baz() {
    ∙∙∙∙∙∙∙∙var name;
    // go away, ptr
    function bar() {
    ∙∙∙var name;
    // good
    function baz() {
    ∙∙∙∙var name;

  • 13.2 Place 1 space before the leading brace. space-before-blocks

    // bad
    function test(){
    function() {}
    // good
    function test() {
    function () {}
    // bad
        age: '1 year',
        breed: 'Bernese Mountain Dog',
    // good
    dog.set('attr', {
        age: '1 year',
        breed: 'Bernese Mountain Dog',

  • 13.3 Do not place a space after the opening parenthesis in control statements (if, while etc.). Place no space between the argument list and the function name in function calls and declarations. keyword-spacing

    // bad
    if(isJedi) {
    // good
    if (isJedi) {
    else {
    // bad
    while(true) {}
    // good
    while (true) {}

  • 13.4 Do not place a space between the function name and the opening parenthesis when calling a function. eslint: func-call-spacing

    // bad
    levitate (['rocks', 'R2-D2']);
    // good

  • 13.6 End files with a single newline character. eol-last

    Why? Do you even POSIX? Many *nix utilities that process text files rely on all lines ending with a line break.

    // bad
    function foo() {
        // ...
    // bad
    function foo() {
        // ...
    // good
    function foo() {
        // ...

  • 13.7 When chaining calls, put each chained method on a separate line. newline-per-chained-call no-whitespace-before-property

    // bad
    // good
    // bad
    var myMungedCustomer =
    var myMungedCustomer = Customer.get(customerId)
    var myMungedCustomer = Customer.get(customerId).munge(customer);
    // good
    var myMungedCustomer = Customer
    // bad
    var foo = function foo(cid) {
    // good
    var foo = function foo(cid) {
        return Customer
    // bad
    // good

  • 13.8 Leave a blank line after blocks and before the next statement.

    // bad
    if (foo) {
        return bar;
    return baz;
    // good
    if (foo) {
        return bar;
    return baz;
    // bad
    var arr = [
        function foo() {
        function bar() {
    return arr;
    // good
    var arr = [
        function foo() {
        function bar() {
    return arr;

  • 13.9 Do not pad your blocks with blank lines. padded-blocks

    // bad
    function bar() {
    // bad
    if (baz) {
    else {
    // good
    if (baz) {
    else {

  • 13.10 Don't add spaces inside parentheses function calls. space-in-parens

    Why not? It doesn't gel with the vast corpus of extant JavaScript code and seems jarring because of that.

    // bad
    function bar( foo ) {
        return foo;
    // good
    function bar(foo) {
        return foo;
    // bad
    foo( bar( baz( 5 ) ) ) );
    // good

  • 13.11 Do not add spaces inside brackets for one-line array declarations. array-bracket-spacing

    // bad
    var foo = [ 1, 2, 3 ];
    console.log(foo[ 0 ]) ;
    // good
    var foo = [1, 2, 3];

  • 13.12 Add spaces inside curly braces. object-curly-spacing

    // bad
    var foo = {clark: 'kent'};
    // good
    var foo = { clark: 'kent' };

  • 13.13 Avoid having lines of code that are longer than 100 characters (including whitespace). Note: per above, long strings are exempt from this rule, and should not be broken up. max-len

    Why? This ensures readability and maintainability.

    // bad
    var foo = jsonData && && && && &&;
    // bad
    $.ajax({ method: 'POST', url: '', data: { name: 'John' } }).done(function() { console.log('Congratulations!');}).fail(function(){console.log('You have failed this city.')});
    // good
    var foo = jsonData
    // good
        method: 'POST',
        url: '',
        data: { name: 'John' },
            function () {
            function () {
                console.log('You have failed this city.');
    // also acceptable
            method: 'POST',
            url: '',
            data: { name: 'John' },
            function () {
            function () {
                console.log('You have failed this city.');

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  • 14.1 Leading commas: Nope. comma-style

    // bad
    var story = [
        , upon
        , aTime
    // good
    var story = [
    // bad
    var hero = {
          firstName: 'Ada'
        , lastName: 'Lovelace'
        , birthYear: 1815
        , superPower: 'computers'
    // good
    var hero = {
        firstName: 'Ada',
        lastName: 'Lovelace',
        birthYear: 1815,
        superPower: 'computers'

  • 14.2 Additional trailing comma: Nope. comma-dangle

    // bad
    var hero = {
        firstName: 'Dana',
        lastName: 'Scully',
    var heroes = [
    // good
    var hero = {
        firstName: 'Dana',
        lastName: 'Scully'
    var heroes = [
    // bad
    function createHero(
    ) {
        // does nothing
    // good
    function createHero(
    ) {
        // does nothing

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  • 15.1 Yup. And no spaces before the semi-colon. semi

    // bad
    function foo() {
        var name = 'Skywalker'
        var hairstyle = "70s" ;
        return name
    // good
    function foo() {
        var name = 'Skywalker';
        var hairstyle = "70s";
        return name;

  • 15.2 No spaces before the semi-colon. semi-spacing

    // bad
    function foo() {
        var name = 'Skywalker' ;
        return name
    // good
    function foo() {
        var name = 'Skywalker';
        return name;

  • 15.3 No extra semi-colons. no-extra-semi

    // bad
    function foo() {
        var name = 'Skywalker';;;;;;;;
        return name
    // good
    function foo() {
        var name = 'Skywalker';
        return name;

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Type Casting & Coercion

  • 16.1 Perform type coercion at the beginning of the statement.

  • 16.2 Strings:

    // bad
    // invokes this.reviewScore.valueOf()
    var totalScore = this.reviewScore + '';
    // isn’t guaranteed to return a string
    var totalScore = this.reviewScore.toString();
    // good
    var totalScore = String(this.reviewScore);

  • 16.3 Numbers: Use Number for type casting and parseInt always with a radix for parsing strings. radix

    var inputValue = '4';
    // bad
    var val = new Number(inputValue);
    // bad
    var val = +inputValue;
    // bad
    var val = inputValue >> 0;
    // bad
    var val = parseInt(inputValue);
    // good
    var val = Number(inputValue) ;
    // good
    var val = parseInt(inputValue, 10);

  • 16.4 If for whatever reason you are doing something wild and parseInt is your bottleneck and need to use Bitshift for performance reasons, leave a comment explaining why and what you're doing.

    // good
     * parseInt was the reason my code was slow.
     * Bitshifting the String to coerce it to a
     * Number made it a lot faster.
    var val = inputValue >> 0;

  • 16.5 Note: Be careful when using bitshift operations. Numbers are represented as 64-bit values, but bitshift operations always return a 32-bit integer (source). Bitshift can lead to unexpected behavior for integer values larger than 32 bits. Discussion. Largest signed 32-bit Int is 2,147,483,647:

    2147483647 >> 0; // => 2147483647
    2147483648 >> 0; // => -2147483648
    2147483649 >> 0; // => -2147483647

  • 16.6 Booleans:

    var age = 0;
    // bad
    var hasAge = new Boolean(age);
    // good
    var hasAge = Boolean(age);
    // ok
    var hasAge = !!age;

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Naming Conventions

  • 17.1 Avoid single letter names. Be descriptive with your naming. id-length

    // bad
    function q() {
        // ...
    // good
    function query() {
        // ...

  • 17.2 Use camelCase when naming objects, functions, and instances. camelcase

    // bad
    var OBJEcttsssss = {};
    var this_is_my_object = {};
    // good
    var thisIsMyObject = {};
    function thisIsMyFunction() {}

  • 17.3 Use PascalCase only when naming constructors or classes. new-cap

    // bad
    function funkyUser(options) { =;
    var bad = new funkyUser({
        name: 'nope',
    // good
    var good = new FunkyUser({
        name: 'yup',

  • 17.4 Acronyms and initialisms should always be camel-cased, or all lowercased.

    // bad
    var userID;
    var SMSContainer;
    var HTTPRequests = [];
    var AWSSQSQueueACKOK = what('?');
    // good
    var userId;
    var smsContainer;
    var httpRequests = [];
    var AwsSqsQueueAckOk = oh('.');

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  • 18.1 Accessor functions for properties are not required.

  • 18.2 If the property/method is a boolean, use isVal().

    // bad
    if (dragon.dead()) {
        return false;
    // good
    if (dragon.isDead()) {
        return false;

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  • 19.1 When attaching data payloads to events (whether DOM events or something more proprietary like Backbone events), pass a hash instead of a raw value. This allows a subsequent contributor to add more data to the event payload without finding and updating every handler for the event. For example, instead of:

    // bad
    // ...
        function(e, listingId) {
            // do something with listingId


    // good
    $(this).trigger('listingUpdated', { listingId: });
    // ...
        function(e, data) {
            // do something with data.listingId

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Exception Handling

  • 20.1 For Promises, always use a catch call instead of passing a failure-handling function.

    Why? Check out this good treatment on StackOverflow

    // bad
            function () {
                // blah
            function (rejection) {
                // handle rejection
    // good
          function () {
              // blah
          function (rejection) {
              // handle rejection

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  • 21.1 Use lodash liberally. Prefer lodash collection operations over JavaScript native, as they are the same for arrays and objects. Also, prefer lodash type checking functions: isUndefined, isNumber, etc.

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  • 22.1 ESLint checks included without further comment. The links go into further detail.


  • 23.1 Use the following structure for RequireJs and AngularJs boilerplate.

    Why? We make an exception to our strict indentation style in order to conserve horizontal whitespace in the body of a module.

    // bad
    define(['lodash', 'angular', 'uuid'],
        function (_, angular, uuid) {
            'use strict';
            return angular.module('', ['fs-core'])
                .service('EventTracker', [
                    function EventTracker(
                    ) {
                        var _this = this;
                        // ...
    // good
    function (
    ) {
    'use strict';
    return angular.module('', ['fs-core'])
        .service('EventTracker', [
    function EventTracker(
    ) {
        var _this = this;
        // ...

  • 23.2 Alphabetize dependencies by variable name (not dependency string), with all $ names earlier in the list.

    // bad
    function (
    ) {
    'use strict';
    // ...
    // good
    function (
    ) {
    'use strict';
    // ...
    // bad
    return angular.module('', ['fs-core'])
        .service('Customer', [
    function Customer(
    ) {
    // good
    return angular.module('', ['fs-core'])
        .service('Customer', [
    function Customer(
    ) {

  • 23.3 Name the module function.

    Why? This allows us to use this in the module definition (where appropriate) without style checks failing.

    // bad
    return angular.module('', ['fs-core'])
        .service('Brightness', [
    function (
    ) {
    // good
    return angular.module('