
Shared eslint configurations for Coffee and Code.

Usage no npm install needed!

<script type="module">
  import eslintConfigCoffeeandcode from '';


Shared ESLint Configs for Coffee and Code

In order to keep eslint configurations synched between projects, we've moved our configurations to this repository. You can include it in your projects with npm install eslint eslint-config-coffeeandcode --save-dev.

Once installed, you can extend the following configurations:


The base configuration, it extends eslint:recommended.


This builds upon the base coffeeandcode configuration by adding the node environment. In a Node project, you would have a root .eslintrc.json file that includes the following:

  "extends": "coffeeandcode/node"


This builds upon the coffeeandcode/node configuration by adding globals used by Mocha. In your project's test/ folder, you would create a .eslintrc.json file with the following:

  "extends": "coffeeandcode/ci/node"