
Grunt Test for Enhance

Usage no npm install needed!

<script type="module">
  import enhanceJs from 'https://cdn.skypack.dev/enhance.js';



Enhance.js is a lightweight javascript utility that helps you organize your code to take advantages of the progressive enhancement approach.

By using enhance.js you gain:

  • Better code structure and readability
  • Re-apply all enhancements to new page content (ajax/dhtml)
  • Automatic logging and timing for optimization
  • Failed enhancement cant break the whole site
  • Failures are logged appropriatly for debugging Also Contain:
  • Ready to use with AMD --> RequireJs
  • Ready to be use with QUnit testing if QUnit script is added to the page.


Apply all enhancements to the whole document


<div class="enhance" data-enhance="init">
    <div class="enhance" data-enhance="map"></div>

<div class="enhance" data-enhance="otherWidget"></div>

<div class="enhance" data-enhance="test"></div>


    $.enhance(Function.init, { id: "init", title: "Init flags"});
    $.enhance(Widgets.map, { id: "map", title: "Map Initialisation"});
    $.enhance(Widgets.otherWidget, { id: "otherWidget", title: "otherWidget on homepage", options: {}});
    $.enhance(Widgets.otherWidget, { id: "otherWidget", title: "otherWidget on homepage", });
    $.enhance(Widgets.test1, { group: "test", title: "test1"});
    $.enhance(Widgets.test2, { group: "test", title: "test2"});

Apply all enhancements to a specific part of the page (after ajax or dhtml)


Register a new enhancement by id

    jQuery.enhance(function (targets) {
        // some code here...
    }, {
        id: "ajaxPagingBehavior",
        title: "adding ajax behavior on paging"

Register a new enhancement by group

    jQuery.enhance(function (targets) {
        var options = this.option.options;
    }, {
        title: "adding ajax behavior on paging"
        group: "ajax"
        options: { variable : "test" }

Clear Enhancement for this element


Author : Mathieu Sylvain - mathieu.sylvain@nurun.com

  • Date : 2010
  • Modified By: Michel Gratton - michel.gratton@nurun.com, michel.gratton@nadrox.com
  •           Billy Rancourt - billy.rancourt@nurun.com
  •           Alexandre Paquette - alexandre.paquette@nurun.com, alexandre.paquette@nadrox.com
  •           Anthony Bucci - anthony.bucci@nurun.com
  •           Etienne Dion - etienne.dion@nurun.com
  • Last Update : January 6, 2014

Upcomming features:

  • Provide a callback for when enhancement are complete
  • Specify a method to test if requirements are met


  • October 13, 2011 Update - AP
  • Added "elems" attribute of the enhancement object which is an array of the
  • elements where the same data-enhance attribute is applied.
  • Also enhanced elements are flagged so the same enchancement is not runned twice
  • November 8, 2012 Update - ED
  • -Clear Enhancement
  • -Console log for already enhanced elements
  • -Remove data-enhance for enhanced elements (enhance-***-applied become the only flag to determine if elements hanve already been enhance) so it is easy to remove this class to re-enhance element
  • -Grouped log to clean the console
  • -Log time and grouped log for ie
  • September 9, 2013 Update - ED
    • Add Support for AMD / Require.js
  • January 6, 2014 Update - ED
    • Add Support for QUnit

Note : To use QUnit and Required see : https://github.com/samastur/mjp/commit/9502d76582ac5a5288cf5b5408499c5ede142b1c