
React twemoji emoji-picker component

Usage no npm install needed!

<script type="module">
  import emojiTwemojiReact from 'https://cdn.skypack.dev/emoji-twemoji-react';


Emoji Picker React

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npm i emoji-twemoji-react --save


import React, {Component} from 'react';
import EmojiPicker from 'emoji-twemoji-react';

class MyComponent extends Component {

    render() {
        return (
            <EmojiPicker onEmojiClick={myCallback}/>

export default MyComponent;

Getting the clicked-on emoji

In order to use the picker in your application, you need a way to grab the img url of the clicked-on emoji. To do this, you just need to pass the onEmojiClick prop. It should be a callback function to your application, and it should get just one argument.

Clicking on an emoji should result in a similar output:


Image hosting


All Emoji files are hosted on twemoji, and by default, the picker is configured to use it as the image source, with emojis of size 72x72px.

Self hosting of emojis

You could also serve the emojis from your own server or CDN using the assetPath prop. You will then need to serve all emojis from a directory named after the desired image resolution. To specify resolution other than 32, you will need to pass an additional prop - emojiResolution.

If you want to serve 64px emojis from your own website, it will need to look somewhat like this:

<EmojiPicker assetPath="http://example.com/emojis" emojiResolution="64"/>

The picker will internally construct the image urls to appear like this: http://example.com/emojis/64/1f448-1f3fd.png (1f448-1f3fd.png is an emoji filename + extension)


You can use this picker, free of charge, no attribution is needed. The emojis have their own license.

All emoji images in this project are the property of the twemoji. Usage of the images is subjeced to their free license.

Other shout-outs: