
An ember-cli addon that lazily loads the Froala WYSIWYG editor for use in Ember.js

Usage no npm install needed!

<script type="module">
  import emberLazyLoadedFroalaEditor from 'https://cdn.skypack.dev/ember-lazy-loaded-froala-editor';


Ember Lazy Loaded Froala Editor Addon Build Status

This repo is a fork (not really a fork) of the Ember Froala Editor. It lazyily loads froala.js, in order to keep your application size small. The rest of the details are from: https://github.com/froala/ember-froala-editor/blob/master/README.md

Bring the Froala WYSIWYG Editor into an ember-cli project with this addon. Besides importing the required Froala Editor files, the main part of this addon is the {{froala-editor}} component. Checkout the documentation Website for installation, configuration, and usage details.


ember and ember-cli 2.4.2+


ember install ember-lazy-loaded-froala-editor


Take a look at the documentation Website for full usage details. But basically this addon comes with a few Ember Components and Helpers to use within your project templates. Currently only froala-editor is supported via lazy loading. You must host your own javascript/css, and pass in the URL to the component.



  • git clone this repository (fork if you plan on submitting a PR)
  • cd ember-lazy-loaded-froala-editor
  • npm install

Running Docs Server

  • ember server
  • Visit the docs at http://localhost:4200

Running Tests

  • npm test (Runs ember try:each to test against multiple Ember versions)
  • ember test
  • ember test --server
  • ember server (Visit tests at http://localhost:4200/tests)


Notes to self really...

  1. If needed, bump the froala-editor version in package.json dependencies
  2. npm version x.y.z - Updates the version in package.json and tags in git
  3. git push origin master --follow-tags - Pushes any changes and the new version tag up to Github
  4. Update the new tag on the Github Releases page
  5. npm run deploy - Deploys the docs to gh-pages using ember-cli-github-pages
  • May need to git push, deploy will say if this is needed
  1. git checkout master - Need to switch back to master after deploying the docs..
  2. npm publish - Release the new version to the world!


The ember-lazy-loaded-froala-editor project is under MIT license. However, in order to use Froala WYSIWYG HTML Editor plugin you should purchase a license for it.

Froala Editor has 3 different licenses for commercial use. For details please see License Agreement.