
Elie is eloquent writing based on simple Markdown processing.

Usage no npm install needed!

<script type="module">
  import elie from 'https://cdn.skypack.dev/elie';


Elie NPM Version

Elie is eloquent writing based on simple Markdown processing.

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Installation is done via npm:

$ npm install elie

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Using Elie is eloquent and easy. Consider the following example:

$ elie --input=markdown-posts --output=html-posts

This will parse and convert all Markdown files in the markdown-posts directory and save them to HTML in the html-posts directory.

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Getting Help

We believe in an open and welcoming community for all. Please post your questions in the Issues section here at GitHub or contact Kasper Tidemann directly at kt@tdmn.co.

Note that if your question has general relevance, it might be worth sharing with others.

Thanks for reading!
