Arduino EEPROM Burner
This repository provides a node.js CLI to read from and write to an AT28C[16 || 64 || 128 || 256] parallel EEPROM using an Arduino and a simple serial protocol.
The address is shifted onto two serial-in / parallel-out 8-bit shift registers (74595) to account for the limited amount of pins available.
$ npm install -g eeprom
The pinout can be edited directly in the .ino file.
Pin Name | Component | Function | Arduino Pin |
DS | 74HC595 | Address shift input | A0 |
LATCH | 74HC595 | Address output enable | A1 |
CLOCK | 74HC595 | Shift clock | A2 |
CE | EEPROM | Chip Enable | A3 |
OE | EEPROM | Data Output Enable | A4 |
WE | EEPROM | Data Write Enable | A5 |
IO[0..7] | EEPROM | Data Input / Output pins | 2..9 |
Read LED | LED | Optional Read Status LED | 11 |
Write LED | LED | Optional Write Status LED | 12 |
My breadboard implementation is quite bushy right now, I'm planning on designing a clean PCB version.
Command Line Interface
One can read from or read to the EEPROM using a simple node.js CLI.
Usage: eeprom [options]
-V, --version output the version number
-p, --port [port] the Arduino's Serial Port
-r, --read [file] read data from EEPROM into file, prints to stdout if no file provided
-w, --write [file] write a file to the EEPROM, uses -data if no file provided
-b, --bin use binary data, defaults to hexadecimal
-f, --fill-num [num] fill [start] to [start] + [length] with [num], defaults to 0xff (255)
-c, --fill-char [char] fill [start] to [start] + [length] with [char], defaults to 'a'
-s, --start-address [addr] Start address of read or write
-l, --length [addr] number of bytes to read / fill
-d, --data [string] data used for a write if no file is provided
-g, --hide-progress disables the progress-bar
-v, --verbose enable logging
-h, --help output usage information
Communication Protocol
This simple protocol uses a baud rate of 115 200 (can be modified) to issue commands and send/receive data.
Five commands are currently implemented: Read in binary : 'r', Read in hex : 'R', Write in binary : 'w', Write in hex : 'W' and Fill with character : 'F'
Each command is represented by a string with the following format: ['W' || 'w' || 'R' || 'r'],addr,length
The address and length arguments are 4 ascii encoded hexadecimal digits, so to read the 256 first bytes in rom, one would call 'R,0000,00ff'
Once a command has been received, a confirmation is sent : "BeginRead\0" for a read command and "BeginWrite"\0 for a write command. The master can then start sending data or reading it.
To signal the end of a command, the character '%' is sent. A new command can then be issued.
- mkeller0815's MEEPROMMER from which the .ino file is based
- Build an Arduino EEPROM programmer by Ben Eater