A easy configurable upload plugin. Support multi file upload, batch upload, mixed upload, and multi instance upload
- Allow profile types
- Allow profile count
- Allow profile size
- Allow preview before upload
- Show real time upload progress
- Allow multiple uploads
- Allow mixed uploads
- Allow configing base64 or FormData
- Allow configing request header,api same as xhr's api
- Allow configing success code
- Allow configing css freely
- Native JS, does not rely on any class library
How to use
// step1: intall
npm install easy-upload-js
// step2: import css
import 'easy-upload-js/css/index.css';
// step3: import plugin
import easyUpload from 'easy-upload-js';
// step4: config plugin
easyUpload(configs); // You can read the configs below
// easyUpload(configs);
easyId: 'easy1',
action: '',
accept: '.jpg,.png,.gif,.pdf,.docx',
maxSize: 3, //MB
showLoading: true,
setRequestHeader: function(xhr) {
xhr.setRequestHeader('content-type', 'application/x-www-form-urlencoded');
//same as xhr's api
buildSendData: function(file) {
// var formData = new FormData();
// formData.append('name', file.file)
// return formData;
// return file.base64;
return null; // default return null
checkSuccessCode: function(xhr) {
if (/error/.test(xhr.responseText.toLowerCase())) {
return false; // just for test here
} else {
return true;
} // default return true
uploadStart: function(self) {
// callback function after upload starts
console.log('current upload queue is', self.xhrFiles)
uploadEnd: function(self) {
// callback function after upload
console.log('current upload queue is', self.xhrFiles)
defaultConfigs = {
easyId: '', //plugin's id, String type
accept: '.jpg,.png,.pdf', //allowed file types, String type
action: '', //upload url, String type
btnText: { //button's text, String type
select: '选择文件',
upload: '上传',
delete: '删除',
cancel: '终止'
maxCount: 3, //allow max file count once, Number type
maxSize: 3, //allowed file's size,MB,Number type
multiple: true, //allowed multiple files, Booleantype
messageTime: 2000, //message's show time, Number type
responseType: 'text', //xhr's responseType,String type
showSize: true, //show file's size, Boolean type
showLoading: false, //show loading animation, Boolean type
statusText: { //text for deferent status
0: '允许上传', //size is ok
1: '即将上传', //in the upload queue
2: '0%', //wait for xhr's response
3: '上传成功', //xhr response and upload successfully
4: '上传失败', //xhr response and failed upload
5: '体积超出', //file size over
statusTextColor: { //className for statue
0: 'normalcolor', //normal statue
1: 'normalcolor', //normal statue
2: 'normalcolor', //normal statue
3: 'normalcolor', //normal statue
4: 'failedcolor', //failed status
5: 'warncolor', //warning status
statusBg: { //background color for deferent status
0: 'normalbg', //normal status
1: 'normalbg', //normal status
2: 'normalbg', //normal status
3: 'normalbg', //normal status
4: 'failedbg', //failed status
5: 'warnbg', //warning status
timeout: 0, //request timeout milliseconds, 0 means permanent, Number type
withCredentials: true, //allow upload cookies and others,Boolean type
setRequestHeader: null, //function of how to configure XHR request header
buildSendData: null, //function of build sending data,return data
checkSuccessCode: null, //function of check success code,defaule return true
uploadStart: null, //callback before upload
uploadEnd: null //callback after upload