A feathery (light), alacritous (fast), extensible DOM abstraction. (Partly based on PlainJS. And faster than jQuery)
At its core it's nothing but a selector that will return an array of HTMLElement
var $popup = dusk('#popup'); // will return a single-element array
var $rows = dusk('.my-table tr'); // will return an array
var $oops = dusk('.non-existing-class'); // will return an empty array
This means it has the same collection of methods as a native array. Pretty cool. And you can pass dusk some strange things as well:
var $itself = dusk(dusk('div')); // dusk recognizes itself
var $list = dusk(document.querySelectorAll('div')); // it turns NodeList's and HTMLCollection's into arrays
var $context = dusk('.class', '#context'); // and it can use a context
Getting Started
dusk implements the Universal Module Definition (UMD), and resides on NPM so that you can really use it any way you want. To include it in your project:
Download it...
Get it from
, then include it with:
<script src="path/to/dusk.js"></script>
require(['path/to/dusk.js'], function(dusk) {
// ...
var dusk = require('path/to/dusk.js');
...or NPM it
$ npm install --save dusk
, then:
CommonJS + NPM
var dusk = require('dusk');
ECMAScript 2015
import dusk from 'dusk';
At the moment it ships only one, static, method.
(shamelessly stolen from jQuery)
dusk.DOMReady(function() {
// something to execute on DOM ready
Extend (Plugins)
But it's already apt to be extended!
const $demo = dusk('#demo');
dusk.fn.plugin1 = function () {
// do something with `this` (remember, it's an array)
return this;
dusk.fn.plugin2 = function () {
// do something with `this`
return this;
The Future
Version 1.1 will include the following:
- .on()
- .off()
- .one()
- .hasClass()
- .addClass()
- .removeClass()
- .toggleClass()
It will also include polyfills for matches
and closest
This will cover 95% of the use cases. And remember, for all the rest you have PlainJS and the Fetch API.
Ps: of course, if you absolutely need .thirdChild()
you can easily extend the core. In fact, that is the whole purpose of this: a super-lightweight extensible DOM abstraction.
Browser support
At the moment dusk has been tested on
- IE11
- Edge
- Chrome
- Firefox
- Safari
Version 1.1 will be tested against IE9+ and mobile browsers as well.
dusk is released under the MIT license.