
parse time durations written in plain english

Usage no npm install needed!

<script type="module">
  import durationParser from 'https://cdn.skypack.dev/duration-parser';



parse time durations written in plain english

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It's a function that parses a duration string and returns the number of milliseconds that duration represents.

var parseDuration = require(`duration-parser`);      

parseDuration('1 second');  // 1000
parseDuration('2 seconds'); // 2000
parseDuration('3.4s');      // 3400

parseDuration('1 minute 9 seconds');     //  69000
parseDuration('1 minute - 10 seconds');  //  50000
parseDuration('-1 minute + 10 seconds'); // -50000
parseDuration('-1 minute   10 seconds'); // -70000

It understands the following time constructs and abbreviations.

  • milliseconds: milliseconds, millisecond, ms
  • seconds:seconds , second , secs , sec , s
  • minutes: minutes , minute , mins , min , m
  • hours: hours , hour , hrs , hr , h
  • days: days , day , d
  • weeks: weeks , week , wks , wk , w

+ / - and order of operations

+ and - operators perform addition and subtraction as expected. Concatenating time measurements together (with or without whitespace) will perform addition.

'1h3s' == '1h + 3s' == '1 hour 3 seconds'

Concatenation has higher precedence than the + or - operators, so:

'1 week - 2 days 6 hours' == '1 week - (2 days + 6 hours)'

(parenthesis are not currently supported)


  1. ensure your git working directory is clean (git status).
  2. ensure you are running npm 2.13 or later, or 3.1 or later (npm --version, npm i npm@latest).
  3. ensure you have cut-release installed (npm i -g cut-release).
  4. run cut-release.