
Scaffolding utility for Durandal SPA Framework

Usage no npm install needed!

<script type="module">
  import durandalScaffold from 'https://cdn.skypack.dev/durandal-scaffold';


Durandal Scaffolding Node CLI


Durandal-scaffold is a Node.JS CLI tool to help you get started with the Durandal SPA Framework. Besides scaffolding new Viewmodels, Views and Spec files it supports as well the setup of your frontend app structure. It is used via a guided approach prompting for actions or via shortcuts (see below)


Create the ds.config.json file which is used for specifying the appropriate paths
ds setup
Create default folder structure

Besides the creation of the basic folder structure the scaffolding will also create a basic app main.js entry file, which is already wired up properly with RequireJS configs.

ds prepare

| app
| ----> viewmodels
| ----> views
| ----> main.js
| test
| ----> specs
Install the Durandal SPA Framework and Twitter Bootstrap v3 via bower
ds install
Create a VM + Spec file
ds vm [vmname]
Create a VM + View + Spec file
ds vmfull [vmname]
Create the default Karma configuration file

This will setup the Karma Runner config file and test-main runner, preset to Jasmine 2.0 and RequireJS, including the path setup for the DurandalJS Framework and it's dependencies.

ds karma-config

Additionally you'd need to install Karma and it's necessary dependencies. The easiest method is to add following entries to your package.json file

"devDependencies": {
  "karma": "~0.12.16",
  "karma-jasmine": "~0.2.0",
  "karma-phantomjs-launcher": "~0.1.4",
  "requirejs": "~2.1.14",
  "karma-requirejs": "~0.2.2"

This will setup Karma with Jasmine 2.0 as well as PhantomJS as the headless browser for running the tests. Karma-requirejs finally helps working with the RequireJS environment of the DurandalJS Framework.

To run Karma in continous testing mode (watching file changes while development) simple run following command in the terminal from your apps base folder.

karma start

For additional information on how to tweak the karma config or add additional features like code coverage please visit the Karma homepage

Run guided mode

After you've run ds setup you can continue all the other commands via the guided cli mode instead of remembering all the parameters.


[?] Choose a command: (Use arrow keys)
> Create a VM/Spec
  Create a VM/View/Spec
  Prepare the project structure
  Install Durandal via Bower
  Create the default Karma configuration and test-main file

Quick Example

  1. Create the folder for your new application [demo]
  2. cd demo
  3. ds setup
  4. ds prepare
  5. ds install
  6. have fun ...

More information

For more information about Durandal please consult the Durandal online docs at:
