
Like duplexer2 but unwrappable

Usage no npm install needed!

<script type="module">
  import duplexer2Unwrappable from 'https://cdn.skypack.dev/duplexer2-unwrappable';



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Like duplexer2 but unwrappable


var stream = require("stream");

var duplexer2 = require("duplexer2-unwrappable");

var writable = new stream.Writable({objectMode: true}),
    readable = new stream.Readable({objectMode: true});

writable._write = function _write(input, encoding, done) {
  if (readable.push(input)) {
    return done();
  } else {
    readable.once("drain", done);

readable._read = function _read(n) {
  // no-op

// simulate the readable thing closing after a bit
writable.once("finish", function() {
  setTimeout(function() {
  }, 500);

var duplex = duplexer2(writable, readable);

duplex.on("data", function(e) {
  console.log("got data", JSON.stringify(e));

duplex.on("finish", function() {
  console.log("got finish event");

duplex.on("end", function() {
  console.log("got end event");

duplex.write("oh, hi there", function() {
  console.log("finished writing");

duplex.end(function() {
  console.log("finished ending");
got data "oh, hi there"
finished writing
got finish event
finished ending
got end event


This is a reimplementation of duplexer using the Streams3 API which is standard in Node as of v4. Everything largely works the same.


Available via npm:

$ npm i duplexer2-unwrappable



Creates a new DuplexWrapper object, which is the actual class that implements most of the fun stuff. All that fun stuff is hidden. DON'T LOOK. now exposed so you can unwrap streams and avoid having closures bind streams together forever.

new duplexer2([options], writable, readable)
const duplex = new duplexer2(new stream.Writable(), new stream.Readable());


  • options - an object specifying the regular stream.Duplex options, as well as the properties described below.
  • writable - a writable stream
  • readable - a readable stream


  • bubbleErrors - a boolean value that specifies whether to bubble errors from the underlying readable/writable streams. Default is true.

Instance Methods

  • unbind - unbinds the duplexer2 instance from the writable and readable stream methods, allowing the underlying streams to be re-used.


3-clause BSD. A copy is included with the source.
