
Client pool for dualapi

Usage no npm install needed!

<script type="module">
  import dualClientpool from 'https://cdn.skypack.dev/dual-clientpool';


DEPRECATED Incompatible with dualapi 1.x.

Client pool for dualapi.

Extends a dualapi domain with a multiplexer for socket.io connections.


Given a dualapi domain

var domain = dualapi();

Extend the domain with the connect method:

var clientpool = require('dual-clientpool');
domain = clientpool(domain, ['ready']);

When a client connects, connect the socket to the domain:

io.listen().on('connect', function (socket) {

Connection response

The client is given a unique mount point in the domain such as ['client', xxxxx], where xxxxx is a unique id. The server then sends ['ready'], to the ['index'] host on the client.


When the client disconnects, a message is sent to ['disconnect', 'client', xxxxx] on the server.