
Vue Dropdown with Semantic

Usage no npm install needed!

<script type="module">
  import dropdownVueSemantic from 'https://cdn.skypack.dev/dropdown-vue-semantic';



Vue Dropdown with Semantic

Build Setup

# install dependencies
npm install dropdown-vue-semantic --save-dev

``` bash
# use
import dropdown from 'dropdown-vue-semantic'
  components: {..., dropdown}

``` bash
'name', // like v model
'fluid', // fluid style
'searchAble', // enablesearch
'toLowerCase', // to lower case all options
'placeholder', // placeholder default
'fieldId', // id key
'fieldName', // name key
'defaultSelected', // default selected from data
'touch', // event
'error', // style true error
'dependOn', // chain depend on v model
'dependOnName', // idk
'endPoint', // if options direct from endpoint
'endPointChild', // still not need
'options', // options array 'id and name'
'disabled' // disabled