JavaScript module for consuming paginated Django REST framework endpoints.
The paginator separates pagination logic from each individual request to the endpoint.
import drfp from 'drf-paginator';
Each request to the endpoint is handled by a request function. Request functions are provided with options and query parameters to make requests. They in turn return promises for the response body.
let request = function(options, queryParams) {
return Promise<ResponseBody>;
Each paginator is provided with a request function to send requests.
let paginator = drfp.paginate(request);
Paginator's provide an interface for pagination while caching requests.
.then((responseBody) => {
// Do something with the response
Please view the API reference for details and more examples.
A Promises/A+ compliant promise implementation must be available globally.
Consuming packages using Browserify must have the Babelify transform, and the ES2015 preset available.
Node.js via npm
$ npm install --save drf-paginator
SystemJS via jspm
$ jspm install npm:drf-paginator
Install dependencies
$ npm install
Run the test suite, generate coverage reports, and lint the source
$ npm test
Run linter
$ npm run jshint
Run unit tests
$ npm run unit
Run the test suite, and generate coverage reports
$ npm run cover
Publish coverage report
$ npm run coveralls
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Released under the MIT Expat License.