
listen to and fire a drag event on a dom element

Usage no npm install needed!

<script type="module">
  import dragListener from 'https://cdn.skypack.dev/drag-listener';



Listen to horizontal drag events on a dom element. drag-listener will not actually move the element around for you, it will just notify you of the user's attempt to drag the element.


npm install drag-listener

environmental requirements

drag-listener has some fairly strict environmental requirements in that it must be used in conjunction with browserify (hence the npm distribution). It also expects $ in the global scope to reference jQuery at runtime.


listen(element, [handle,] offsetMin, offsetMax, [opts])

Start listening for drag events on an element. Returns an EventEmitter that emits the events in the events section below.

  • element the element that will have its position measured to return a value for the drag event. For more details, on how this is measured, see the drag event below.
  • handle (optional) - the handle of the draggable element, this is the thing that user clicks on to start dragging. Defaults to element.
  • offsetMin the minimum bound of the draggable element, relative to its parent. Can also be passed as a function that returns a number (the function is called at the start of each drag to determine the minimum bound for that drag)
  • offsetMax the maximum bound of the draggable element, relative to its parent. Can also be passed as a function that returns a number (the function is called at the start of each drag to determine the maximum bound for that drag)
  • opts (optional) a set of options, specified below


  • includeWidth (default = false) if set to true, include the width of the parent when calculating its current position.
  • stopPropagation (default = true) if set to true, don't propagate the initial mousedown event that initiates a drag
  • shouldDrag (default = function(){return true}). a function that is called when a drag is initiated, determining if the drag should be ignored. Shall return true or false.
  • movementThreshold (default = 1). The minimum distance to move before a drag is triggered.
  • timeThreshold (default = 100). The minimum time before a drag is triggered (in ms).
  • requireBothThresholds (default = false). If set to true, both time and position thresholds must be satisfied before a drag is triggered.


  • dragStart - emitted when the user initiates a drag (when the handle receives a mousedown and a mousemove event). Passes one argument, a number between 0.0 and 1.0 that indicates where the element is located at the start of the drag.
  • drag - emitted when the user drags the element (fired for every mousemove event received after the handle has received a mousedown event, but before it has received a mouseup event). Passes one argument, a number between 0.0 and 1.0 that indicates where the user has dragged the element between the offsetMin and offsetMax bounds.
  • dragFinish - emitted when the user finishes a drag (when the handle receives a mouseup event). Passes one argument, a number between 0.0 and 1.0 that indicates where the element is located at the end of the drag.
  • click - emitted when a mousedown and a mouseup event is received in the space of 500ms, and no mousemove events are received.