“I vant to drink your data”
Dracula (inspired by DatQL-a or dat-quill-a) is a small JavaScript module for running DatQL queries directly against your database, as opposed to simply returning the generated SQL. You can install it via NPM or Yarn:
$ npm install dracula --save-dev
$ yarn add dracula --dev
Be sure to install v0.0.3 or up, or else you'll get the original library registered under the "dracula" package name (a now defunct package by Bozhidar Dryanovski).
The API is incredibly simple to use, and is designed only for recent versions of Node. For example, to hook DatQL into Postgres using Dracula:
import { types, Pool } from "pg";
import dracula from "dracula";
import dql from "dql";
const pool = new Pool /* pg config object */();
// Define a query
const query = dql`
query getUser($id) {
users(id = $id) {
// Create a hook to connect DQL to your database
// Queries are always passed to the callback in their parameterized object form
const db = dracula(
query =>
new Promise(async (fulfill, reject) => {
pool.query(params.text, params.values, (err, res) => {
if (err) reject(err);
else fulfill(res);
const getUser = db(
// The 2nd param is only included to demonstrate that you can cherry-pick which query you want to run
// You can omit it if you only have one query or want only the last defined query to be selected
// You can now pass a config object to getUser() to retrieve a user by its ID
variables: {
id: 1
}).then(result => {
You can omit some of the above code by doing merging the db
variable with the
include directly:
const dracula = require("dracula")(
query =>
new Promise(async (fulfill, reject) => {
pool.query(params.text, params.values, (err, res) => {
if (err) reject(err);
else fulfill(res);
Please note that the API is still relatively new and may change in the future.