
Django Plotly Dash component suite

Usage no npm install needed!

<script type="module">
  import dpdComponents from 'https://cdn.skypack.dev/dpd-components';



This repository contains components for Django Plotly Dash. This is a Plotly Dash plugin.

The source for this project can be seen here: https://github.com/GibbsConsulting/dpd-components

To install the package

pip install dpd-components

Development environment setup

Development requires python 3 and node.js to build the python and javascript parts.

To set up a development environment:

virtualenv env -p python3.6
source env/bin/activate
pip install dev_requirements.txt
npm install builder-init
export PATH=$PATH:$PWD/node_modules/.bin
builder-init dash-components-archetype

If needed, relocate the component into root directory.


Once the environment has been prepared, the following two commands are needed to initialise a terminal or other session:

source env/bin/activate
export PATH=$PATH:$PWD/node_modules/.bin

Also, in the virtualenv of the python project using DjangoDash (or similar), this project can be added in development form

cd ... this repo root directory ...
python setyp.py develop

Build commands

To test the component:

python usage.py

To run the README compiler:


To perform a local rebuild:

npm prepublish
python setup.py install

To run just the javascript for debugging:

builder run demo


To prepare a release, the version number in both dpd_components/version.py and package.json has to be updated.

Releases require both javascript and python components to be generated and uploaded, as described in the plotly online documentation.