
An exportabale Blockhain

Usage no npm install needed!

<script type="module">
  import doxieChain from '';


Doxie Chain

A lightweight Blockchain built in JS


To add to a dependency to your project:

npm install doxie-chain --save

Import/Require It

import { Block, Blockchain } from doxie-chain or

const { Block, Blockchain } = require('doxie-chain');

Now Creating a Chain

const blockchain = new Blockchain();

  blockchain.addBlock(new Block('Bear'))
  blockchain.addBlock(new Block('Walter'))
  blockchain.addBlock(new Block('Wrigley))

Block contains the properties:

const block = new Block('Batman')
block.hash = //SHA256 hash of ${block.previouHash}quot;"{'Batman'}
block.previousHash = // SHA256 hash of the previous block's hash in the chain, changing this will change the hash. = 'Batman'

To inspect your chain

blockchain.chain === // Array of your Blocks ex: [Block(), Block()]

To validate your Blockchain: blockchain.isValid() // Returns True or False, if your chain or data was mainupulated this will return False.

And thats it!

Special thanks to for writing some great tests