Dotnet Settings Module
This Module helps you easily to manage your .Net Core Build Settings, so it can used by an TeamBuild System or any other Meanings.
.Net Core
defines his Build-, Package-, Version- and Project-Settings in separat .csproj
Files. For example, if you want define the Signing of your Assembly, you have to do this separatly for each Project in each Project File. DotNet Settings Manager helps you to define your Project Settings globally.
You will get the another Benefit if you combine dotnet-settings
with appversion-mgr
. appversion-mgr
controls the Versions of your Project. This informations will used by dotnet-settings
to define the detailed Versions for each Project.
How to use it?
CLI Mode
Install dotnet-settings
with npm install -g dotnet-settings
. After this call dotnetmgr --help
to get further Informations.
Package Mode
Install dotnet-settings
with npm install dotnet-settings
. After finish you can use dotnet-settings
in your own Node Package Project.
// Sample
// For Pattern Details see
import { DotNetSettings } from 'dotnet-settings';
const solutionFile=''
const settings = new DotNetSettings(solutionFile, {
UseAppVersionMgr: true,
LogLevel: 'warn',
// Init Settings with overwriting existing Settings,
// or Init Settings without overwriting
// Update existing Project Settings, for example while Teambuild is running
Init the Settings File
Simple call dotnetmgr --init --solution <Path to your Solution File>
. After this action you will get per .Net Project an separat <ProjectName>.json
File, for specific Project Settings, and a <SolutionName>.json
for global Project Settings.
Data Structure
Here you can see an example of an Solution- and an Project File after the Init. The Meaning of each Property could be found in MSDN.
Solution Settings
This Settings are global for all Projects and will inherited to each Project found in the Solution File.
"Build": {
"AssemblyOriginatorKeyFile": null,
"Configuration": "Release",
"DelaySign": false,
"OutputPath": null,
"RuntimeIdentifiers": null,
"SignAssembly": false,
"TargetFramework": "netcoreapp2.2",
"GenerateDocumentationFile": false
"Package": {
"Authors": null,
"Company": null,
"Copyright": null,
"GeneratePackageOnBuild": false,
"PackageProjectUrl": null,
"RepositoryType": "git",
"RepositoryUrl": null,
"BadgeBaseUrl": null
"Version": {
"AssemblyVersion": "",
"FileVersion": "",
"InformationalVersion": "0.1.0",
"PackageVersion": "0.1.0",
"Version": "0.1.0",
"VersionPrefix": "0.1.0",
"VersionSuffix": null
"Pattern": {
"AssemblyVersion": "M.m.p.t",
"FileVersion": "M.m.p.t",
"InformationalVersion": "M.m.p-S.s-t",
"PackageVersion": "M.m.p-S.s-t",
"Version": "M.m.p",
"VersionPrefix": "M.m.p",
"VersionSuffix": "S.s-t",
Project Settings
Override specific Settings for each Project.
"ProjectFile": "Path to your Project File.csproj",
"Project": {
"Description": "A Project Description",
"PackageTags": "Tags separated by space",
"RootNamespace": "Namespace of your Assembly",
"AssemblyName": "Sample.Core",
"IsTestProject": false
Only .Net Core and C# Projects are supported.