This package is deprecated and is no longer functional. Learn how to migrate to the new CLI.
Doppler Node.js Library
The Doppler CLI provides convenient access to the Doppler API from applications written for only server-side code.
Install the CLI with:
npm install -g @dopplerhq/cli
CLI Commands
Here is a list of commands the Doppler CLI offers:
Usage: doppler [options] [command]
-V, --version output the version number
-k, --key <API KEY> override the API Key in configs
--api-host <HOST URL> override Doppler's API host (default: "")
--deploy-host <HOST URL> override Doppler's Deploy host (default: "")
-h, --help output usage information
login login into Doppler on your computer
setup [options] setup local development for a pipeline
config view config variables
run [options] <COMMAND> run your app with variables from Doppler
workplace [options] workplace information
logs [options] workplace activity logs
pipelines [options] list of pipelines
stages [options] list of a pipelines's stages
environments [options] list of environments in pipeline
variables [options] view all variables in environment
update update the Doppler cli
Development Setup
The first thing you will want to do is login into the CLI in the root directory of your project.
doppler config:set key=<DOPPLER API KEY>
Now let's setup your project's directory to use Doppler. Please make sure you are in the root directory of the project.
doppler setup
Production Setup
Using the CLI to fetch environment variables in production is super easy! Let's set your Doppler credentials so your machine can communicate with Doppler.
doppler config:set key=<DOPPLER API KEY> pipeline=<PIPELINE ID> environment=<ENVIRONMENT NAME>
Run App
Using the run
command, specify the application you'd like to execute. The application will then be
executed with your Doppler secrets injected directly into the environment. This allows the application
to read your keys out of the environment using your language's built-in environment variable syntax
(e.g. process.env.VAR_NAME
, os.environ["VAR_NAME"]
, os.Getenv("VAR_NAME")
, System.getenv("VAR_NAME")
, etc). This method
does not require any changes to your existing application and works with all languages and platforms.
doppler run -- node server.js
-f, --fallback <DOTENV FILEPATH> writes to this file on boot and read from it when you lose connection to the Doppler API.
--fr, --fallback-readonly treat the fallback file as read-only
-p, --pipeline <id> pipeline id
-e, --environment <name> environment name
-- interpret everything after this option as part of the command to run
-h, --help output usage information
Fallback Option
When the fallback option is enabled, the CLI will write to a .env
file on boot and read from it when you lose connection to the Doppler API.
doppler run --fallback="./fallback.env" -- python
Extra Examples
A few ways to use the CLI with popular programming languages:
doppler run -- go run server.go # go
doppler run -- php artisan serve # php
doppler run -- java -jar Server.jar # java
doppler run -- node server.js # node.js
doppler run -- python # python
doppler run -- ruby server.rb # ruby