
Utilities for DoctorLink front-end apps

Usage no npm install needed!

<script type="module">
  import doctorlinkFrontendUtils from '';



Utilities for DoctorLink front-end apps

npm version

Welcome! Click on the functions on the right to find out more about them.

Development process

You can use npm link to import your local library changes into your app.

  1. Run npm link in the root of this project.
  2. Run npm link doctorlink-frontend-utils in your app
  3. Run npm run build in this project order to see your changes in your app.

Release process

First commit all your changes. Everything we need to do for a release will be done on a separate commit.

  1. Run tests npm run test.
  2. Build the docs (you have been updating the docs right?) npm run build:docs.
  3. Update the version number in package.json.
  4. Submit your PR