
A pagination utility for MessageEmbed in Discord.JS

Usage no npm install needed!

<script type="module">
  import discordEmbedPagination from 'https://cdn.skypack.dev/discord-embed-pagination';


Discord.JS - PaginationEmbed

A pagination utility for MessageEmbed in Discord.JS

Discord Server Travis (.org) branch npm peer dependency version npm type definitions


πŸ“£ Notice Board

πŸŽ‰ Welcome

πŸ›  Installation

  • PaginationEmbed:
    • Published: npm install discord-paginationembed@beta
    • Unpublished: npm install gazmull/discord-paginationembed
      • ❗ Requires Git
  • Discord.JS: npm install discordjs/discord.js
    • ❗ Requires Git

πŸ”° Examples

Test Unit Example

Preface for TypeScript Projects

In-action samples:

Import Node Module

const Pagination = require('discord-paginationembed');

Under message event

FieldsEmbed Mode

const FieldsEmbed = new Pagination.FieldsEmbed()
  // A must: an array to paginate, can be an array of any type
  .setArray([{ word: 'they are' }, { word: 'being treated' }])
  // Set users who can only interact with the instance, set as `[]` if everyone can interact.
   // A must: sets the channel where to send the embed
  // Elements to show per page. Default: 10 elements per page
   // Have a page indicator (shown on message content)
   // Format based on the array, in this case we're formatting the page based on each object's `word` property
  .formatField('Continue...', el => el.word);

// Customise embed
  .setTitle('Jesus Yamato Saves the Day by Obliterating a Swarm of Abyssal Bombers!')
  .setDescription('Akagi and Kaga give their thanks to their holy saviour today as...')

// Deploy embed


Working with Asynchronous Behaviour

This assumes this is under an async function

const FieldsEmbed = new Pagination.FieldsEmbed()
  .setArray([{ name: 'John Doe' }, { name: 'Jane Doe' }])
  // Initial page on deploy
  .formatField('Name', i => i.name)
  // Deletes the embed upon awaiting timeout
  // Disable built-in navigation emojis, in this case: πŸ—‘ (Delete Embed)
  // Set your own customised emojis
    'πŸ”„': (user, instance) => {
      const field = instance.embed.fields[0];

      if (field.name === 'Name')
        field.name = user.tag;
        field.name = 'Name';
  // Similar to setFunctionEmojis() but this one takes only one emoji
  .addFunctionEmoji('πŸ…±', (_, instance) => {
    const field = instance.embed.fields[0];

    if (field.name.includes('πŸ…±'))
      field.name = 'Name';
      field.name = 'NaπŸ…±e';
  // Sets whether function emojis should be deployed after navigation emojis

  .setDescription('Test Description');

await FieldsEmbed.build();

// Will not log until FieldsEmbed.build() is finished


Declare Embeds

const { MessageEmbed } = require('discord.js');
const embeds = [];

for (let i = 0; i < 5; ++i)
  embeds.push(new MessageEmbed().addField('Page', i + 1));

Embeds Mode

const myImage = message.author.displayAvatarURL();

new Pagination.Embeds()
   // Methods below are for customising all embeds
  .setTitle('Test Title')
  .setDescription('Test Description')
  .setFooter('Test Footer Text')
  .addField('Test Field 1', 'Test Field 1', true)
  .addField('Test Field 2', 'Test Field 2', true)


This assumes this is under an async function

const Embeds = new PaginationEmbed.Embeds()
  .setTitle('Test Title')
  .setDescription('Test Description')
  .setFooter('Test Footer Text')
  // Sets the client's assets to utilise. Available options:
  //  - message: the client's Message object (edits the message instead of sending new one for this instance)
  //  - prompt: custom content for the message sent when prompted to jump to a page
  //      {{user}} is the placeholder for the user mention
  .setClientAssets({ message, prompt: 'Page plz {{user}}' })
    '⬆': (_, instance) => {
      for (const embed of instance.array)
    '⬇': (_, instance) => {
      for (const embed of instance.array)
  // Listeners for PaginationEmbed's events
  // Upon successfull `build()`
  .on('start', () => console.log('Started!'))
  // Upon a user deleting the embed
  .on('finish', (user) => console.log(`Finished! User: ${user.username}`))
  // Upon a user reacting to the embed
  .on('react', (user, emoji) => console.log(`Reacted! User: ${user.username} | Emoji: ${emoji.name} (${emoji.id})`))
  // Upon the awaiting time expired
  .on('expire', () => console.warn('Expired!'))
  // Upon non-PaginationEmbed error (e.g: Discord API Error)
  .on('error', console.error);

await Embeds.build();


πŸ’‘πŸ›πŸ’» Contributing

Bug Reports

Please provide reproducible steps and results proofs (e.g: images). Also, solutions are welcome!

Suggestions / Discussions

Please be explicit about the feature's description and provide a valid reason (e.g: beneficial to users or development time) why it should be added/changed/removed.

Source Code

  • Fork this repository.
  • Execute npm install
  • Code and code and code and code and... code!
  • npm test to verify if your additions/adjustments are following the project's codebase rules and to verify if the docs are valid.
  • Please make sure that you have tested your changes very well.
    • There is a test bot script under test folder. To get started:
      • Copy credentials.sample.js to credentials.js and fill up your private credentials (token, test channel, etc)
      • Execute either:
        • One-time test: npm run test:bot
        • Hot-reloading test (nodemon): npm run dev:start
  • File a Pull Request (PR)!
  • For the PR comment, it goes the same with Suggestions / Discussions.



Β© 2018-present Euni (gazmull)