
--- #### Author : Ashish Vaghasiya ##### Created on : 9th Nov 2015 --- ## constant

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<script type="module">
  import dateManagement from '';


Date Library

Author : Ashish Vaghasiya

Created on : 9th Nov 2015


  • OperationType

    • Day_of_Week
    • Day_Number_of_Week
    • Absolute_DateTime
    • First_Date
    • Last_Date
    • Date_of_Weekday_in_Week
    • Date_of_Weekday_in_Month_for_Given_Week
    • Date_of_Weekday_in_Quarter_for_Given_Month_and_Week
    • Date_of_Weekday_in_Year_for_Given_Week
    • Date_of_Weekday_in_Year_for_Given_Month_and_Week
    • Date_of_Weekday_in_Year_for_Given_Quarter_and_Month_and_Week
    • Week_of_Year
    • Calendar_Week_of_Month
    • Week_of_Month_by_Days_Distribution_for_as_Weeks

  • DOW (Date Of Week)

    • Sunday
    • Monday
    • Tuesday
    • Wednesday
    • Thursday
    • Friday
    • Saturday

  • GranularityType

    • Seconds
    • Minutes
    • Hours
    • Days
    • Weeks
    • Months
    • Quarters
    • HalfYears
    • Years


  • DateLibrary.getDayOfWeek(Date, {JSON Object})

    • example1

      • Description : find Week Name from 15th June 2015.
          DateLibrary.getDayOfWeek(new Date("2015-06-15"),
              {operationType:"Day_of_Week"}) // Output : Monday
      • Steps
        • find day of week from given date[Monday]
    • example2

      • Description : if first day of week is Sunday, what day will be on 15th June 2015.
          DateLibrary.getDayOfWeek(new Date("2015-06-15"),
                  startDayOfWeek:"Sunday"}) // Output : 1
      • Steps
        • find Week of given date (Sunday as Start day of week) [14th May 2015 to 20th May 2015]
        • Given Date follow in 2nd day [1]

  • DateLibrary.getRelativeDate(Date, {JSON Object})

    • example1

      • Description : Subtract 13 Days From Given Date
          DateLibrary.getRelativeDate(new Date("2015-06-15 14:10:39"),
              {operationType: "Absolute_DateTime",
                  granularityType: "Days",value: -13}) // Output : Tue Jun 02 2015 14:10:39
      • Steps
        • find Day from given date [15]
        • Subtract 13 Days from given date [15-13]
    • example2

      • Description : Subtract 13 Hours From Given Date
          DateLibrary.getRelativeDate(new Date("2015-06-15 14:10:39"),
              {operationType: "Absolute_DateTime",
                  granularityType: "Hours",value: -13}) // Output : Tue Jun 15 2015 01:10:39
      • Steps
        • find Hours from given date [14]
        • Subtract 13 Hours from given date [14-13]
    • example3

      • Description : get First Day of quarter From Given Date
          DateLibrary.getRelativeDate(new Date("2015-06-15"),
              {operationType:"First_Date",granularityType:"Quarters"}) // Output : Wed Apr 01 2015 00:00:00
      • Steps
        • find quarter for given date [2nd Quarter]
        • find first month of quarter [Apr]
    • example4

      • Description : get Last Day of quarter From Given Date
          DateLibrary.getRelativeDate(new Date("2015-06-15"),
              {operationType:"Last_Date",granularityType:"Quarters"}) // Output : Wed Jun 30 2015 23:59:59
      • Steps
        • find quarter for given date [2nd Quarter]
        • find last month of quarter [Jun]
    • example5

      • Description : if first day of week is Sunday, what date will be on Wednesday, if given date is 15th June 2015.
              {operationType: "Date_of_Weekday_in_Week",
                  startDayOfWeek:"Sunday",returnDayOfWeek:"Wednesday"}) // Output : Wed Jun 17 2015 00:00:00
      • Steps
        • find Week of given date (Sunday as Start day of week) [14th May 2015 to 21st May 2015]
        • Wednesday will be on [17th May 2015]
    • example6

      • Description : if first day of week is Wednesday, what date will be on 1st day of week, if given date is 15th June 2015.
          DateLibrary.getRelativeDate(new Date("2015-06-15"),
                  startDayOfWeek:"Wednesday",returnDayNumberOfWeek:0}) // Output : Wed Jun 10 2015 00:00:00			
      • Steps
        • find Week of given date (Wednesday as Start day of week) [10th May 2015 to 17th May 2015]
        • 1st day of week should be [10th May 2015]
    • example7

      • Description : if first day of week is Monday, what date will be on Friday of 2nd Week of Month containing 15th June 2015 as one of the date.
          DateLibrary.getRelativeDate(new Date("2015-06-15"),
                  startDayOfWeek: "Monday",returnDayOfWeek:"Friday",WeekOfMonth:2}) // Output : Fri Jun 12 2015 00:00:00
      • Steps
        • find month for given date [Jun]
        • find 2nd Week of month (Monday as Start day of week) [8th May 2015 to 14th May 2015]
        • Friday will be on [12th May 2015]
    • example8

      • Description : if first day of week is Sunday, what date will be fourth day of 3rd Week of Month containing 15th June 2015 as one of the date.
          DateLibrary.getRelativeDate(new Date("2015-06-15"),
              {operationType: "Date_of_Weekday_in_Month_for_Given_Week",
                  startDayOfWeek:"Sunday",returnDayNumberOfWeek:3,WeekOfMonth:3}) // Output : Wed Jun 17 2015 00:00:00
      • Steps
        • find month for given date [Jun]
        • find 2nd Week of month (Sunday as Start day of week) [14th May 2015 to 20th May 2015]
        • The date of fourth day of week should be [17th May 2015]
    • example9

      • Description : if first day of week is Tuesday, what date will be on Friday of 3rd week of 2nd month of quarter containing 15th June 2015 as one of the date.
          DateLibrary.getRelativeDate(new Date("2015-06-15"),
                  startDayOfWeek:"Tuesday",returnDayOfWeek:"Friday",MonthOfQuarter:2,WeekOfMonth:3}) // Output : 15th May 2015
      • Steps
        • find quarter for given date [2nd Quarter]
        • find 2nd month of quarter [May]
        • find 3rd week of month (Tuesday as Start day of week) [12th May 2015 to 18th May 2015]
        • Friday will be on [15th May 2015]
    • example10

      • Description : if first day of week is Tuesday, what date will be on Sunday of 18th Week of year containing 15th June 2015 as one of the date.
          DateLibrary.getRelativeDate(new Date("2015-06-15"),
              {operationType: "Date_of_Weekday_in_Year_for_Given_Week" ,
                  startDayOfWeek: "Tuesday", returnDayOfWeek:"Sunday", WeekOfYear:18}) // Output : 3rd May 2015
      • Steps
        • find 18 week follow in which month [May]
        • find 18th week of year (Tuesday as Start day of week) [28th Apr 2015 to 4th May 2015]
        • Sunday will be on [3rd May 2015]
    • example11

      • Description : if first day of week is Friday, what date will be on Tuesday of 3rd Week of 8th month of year containing 15th June 2015 as one of the date.
          DateLibrary.getRelativeDate(new Date("2015-06-15"),
                  startDayOfWeek:"Friday", returnDayOfWeek:"Tuesday", WeekOfMonth:3, MonthOfYear:8}) // Output : 18th Aug 2015
      • Steps
        • find 8th month in year [Aug]
        • find 3rd week of Month (Friday as Start day of week) [14th Aug 2015 to 20th Aug 2015]
        • Tuesday will be on [18th Aug 2015]
    • example12

      • Description : if first day of week is Friday, what date will be on Tuesday of 3rd Week of 2nd month of 3rd quarter of year containing 15th June 2015 as one of the date.
          DateLibrary.getRelativeDate(new Date("2015-06-15"),
              {operationType: "Date_of_Weekday_in_Year_for_Given_Quarter_and_Month_and_Week",
                  startDayOfWeek:"Friday",returnDayOfWeek:"Tuesday", QuarterOfYear:3, MonthOfQuarter:2, WeekOfMonth:3}) // Output : 18th Aug 2015
      • Steps
        • find 3rd quarter of year [Jul to Sep]
        • find 2nd month of quarter [Aug]
        • find 3rd week of month (Friday as Start day of week) [14th Aug 2015 to 20th Aug 2015]
        • Tuesday will be on [18th Aug 2015]

  • DateLibrary.getWeekNumber(Date, {JSON Object})

    • example1

      • Description : if first day of week is Tuesday, what week number in year will be follow in 15th June 2015 as one of the date.
          DateLibrary.getWeekNumber(new Date("2015-06-15"),
                  startDayOfWeek:"Tuesday"}) // Output : 24
      • Steps
        • find Previous month(s) week count (Tuesday as Start day of week)(Jan+Feb+Mar+Apr+May) [5+4+5+4+4]
        • find week count of given date month(Jun) [2]
        • total week count is [5+4+5+4+4+2 = 24]
    • example2

      • Description : if first day of week is Tuesday, what week number in month will be follow in 15th June 2015 as one of the date.
          DateLibrary.getWeekNumber(new Date("2015-06-15"),
                  startDayOfWeek: "Tuesday"}) // Output : 3
      • Steps
        • find week count of given date month(Tuesday as Start day of week) [3]
        • total week count is [3]
    • example3

      • Description : what week number in month by days distribution will be follow in 15th June 2015 as one of the date.
          DateLibrary.getWeekNumber(new Date("2015-06-15"),
                  "28days":[5,6,5,6,6],"29days":[5,6,6,6,6],"30days":[6,6,6,6,6],"31days":[5,5,5,5,5,6]}) // Output : 3
      • Steps
        • find total days in month [30]
        • find week count given date follow in which week [6+6+6=18]
        • total week count is [3]
  • DateLibrary.getDateDifference(fromDate,toDate,{JSON Object})

    • example1

      • Description : This takes three arguments from Date, to Date and JSON Object .It returns difference between them(base on granularityType days).
          DateLibrary.getDateDifference(new Date("2016-04-01"),new Date("2016-04-16"),
              {granularityType: "days"}) //output 15
    • example2

      • Description : This takes three arguments from Date , to Date and JSON Object .It returns difference between them(base on granularityType seconds).
          DateLibrary.getDateDifference(new Date("2016-04-01 12:30:59"),new Date("2016-04-16 15:45:59"),
              {granularityType: "seconds"}) //output 1307700
  • DateLibrary.getDifferenceInDays(fromDate,toDate,[array of excluded Date Object],[array of excluded days])

    • example1

      • Description : This takes two arguments from Date and to Date.It returns difference between them.
          DateLibrary.getDifferenceInDays(new Date("2016-04-01"),new Date("2016-04-16"))//output 15
    • example2

      • Description : This takes four arguments from Date, to Date and array of dates to be excluded and empty array exclude days.It returns difference between them.
          DateLibrary.getDifferenceInDays(new Date("2016-04-01"),new Date("2016-04-16"),
              [new Date("2016-04-05"),new Date("2016-04-06")],[])//output 13
    • example3

    • Description : This takes four arguments from Date, to Date and array of dates to be excluded and array of days to be excluded.It returns difference between them.
        DateLibrary.getDifferenceInDays(new Date("2016-04-01"),new Date("2016-04-16"),
           [new Date("2016-04-05"),new Date("2016-04-06")],["friday"])//output 10
  • DateLibrary.getNumberToTimeStr(timeString, {JSON Object})

    • example1

      • Description : This takes two arguments timeString and JSON Object. It returns time.
          DateLibrary.getNumberToTimeStr("345", {delimiter: ":"}) //output 00:03:45
    • example2

      • Description : This takes two arguments timeString and JSON Object. It returns time.
              DateLibrary.getNumberToTimeStr("5", {delimiter: "-"}) //output 00-00-05
    • example3
      • Description : This takes two arguments timeString and JSON Object. It returns time.
              DateLibrary.getNumberToTimeStr("145635", {delimiter: "~"}) //output 14~56~35
  • DateLibrary.julianToDate(julianString, timeString)

    • example1
      • Description : This takes two arguments julianString and timeString (optional). It returns date object.
            DateLibrary.julianToDate("102536") //output Fri Jun 20 2003 00:00:00
    • example2
      • Description : This takes two arguments timeString and JSON Object. It returns time.
              DateLibrary.julianToDate("115536","152645") //output Sun Jun 19 2016 15:26:45